
Table of Contents

1 Data Mining i290    slide

  • Jim Blomo & Shreyas

2 Course Goals    slide

  • Extract information from data
  • Understand techniques to find patterns
  • Apply algorithms to real data sets

3 We'll Do Stuff    slide

  • 30%: 10 Homework Assignments
  • 30%: 1 Midterm
  • 40%: 1 Project: Find, Mine, Report on Data

3.1 Homework Details    notes

  • HW due at midnight Thursday before class
  • Each 24 hours late is 10% off
  • HW will be turned in by GitHub pull request
  • Project will be submitted by email & presentation

4 But Don't Worry    slide

  • This isn't a programming class
  • Grades are based on understanding of the concepts, not the craziest project
  • Shreyas & I are here to help

4.1 Help    notes

  • We realize there's a wide range of technical skill
  • We will help get anyone up to speed in these technical areas

5 This is a Graduate class    slide

  • Perform well without supervision
  • Readings from both book and online documentation
  • Getting frameworks working on your computer

5.1 Style    notes

  • More firehouse than spoon feed, you'll need to follow up for understanding
  • Honor system: No copying code or answers. Helping each other with concepts is encouraged, but document it.
  • Everybody has a different workflow. We'll be covering the most basic. Great if you want to do something different, but realize we may not be able to help you as much.
  • Non ISchool students should email student ID from EDU account to shreyas and jblomo and we will get them ischool accounts.
  • You may want to use other frameworks for your projects. Great! But again, we may not be familiar with them

6 Prerequisites    slide

  • Basic probability: P(A), P(A or B), P(A and B), P(A | B)
  • Basic programming: Python
  • Basic command line: SSH, downloading, copying large files, running programs against data
  • Textbook: Han, J., Kamber, M., & Pei, J. (2011). Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Third Edition (3rd ed.). Morgan Kaufmann.
  • Technology will be available on ischool.berkeley.edu

6.1 Basics    notes

  • "Probability of A", "Probability of A or B" "A and B" "A given B"
  • Most assignments filling in algorithm code
  • Project you may use any language, though we suggest Python.
  • We'll introduce any specific frameworks
  • Command line: cp, mv, less… Imagine you have a 10G file, how are you going to inspect the contents?

7 Material    slide

  • Process: from find data to mining it to visualizing results
  • Algorithms: all intuitively motivated, some rigorously studied
  • Programming: using algorithms against data sets
  • Discovery: finding information in self-defined project

7.1 What will we learn?    notes

  • Data mining not just about algorithms. We'll learn how to obtain, clean, and store data.
  • In real life, this is 70% of the job!
  • We'll cover many different algorithms, and dive in depth on several of them. But we're not going to get into any hairy math proofs
  • Programming is the best way to precisely describe an algorithm. It is also the way data mining is used in the real world.
  • Your own project should emphasize your passion. Again, real world requires you to grab data and squeeze information out of it without external help

8 Lectures & Labs    slide

8.1 Helpful tips    notes

  • Helpful to me if you say your name
  • Sorry, I tend to forget names
  • If I am not calling on you, check to make sure you are on the class list!
  • I'm not taking attendance, but let me know if you can't make it so I won't call on you

9 Office Hours    slide two_col

  • We'll stay after class
  • or schedule a Skype call
  • Piazza for questions and announcements
  • Wait list will be processed normally until 3rd week… then I'll accept everyone who's participated in class if we have physical room


9.1 Details    notes

10 Questions?    slide

11 Schedule    slide

Available at GitHub Syllabus page

  • Jan 25 Class Intro ; Tools Intro by GUEST: Shreyas
    • lab: Git Intro
  • Feb 1 Case Studies ; Obtaining Data
  • Feb 8 Probability ; Preprocessing
  • Feb 15 MapReduce, Data Warehouse
  • Feb 22 Decision Trees; Naive Bayes
  • Mar 1 SVM ; Neural Networks
  • Mar 8 Clustering ; Review
    • lab: Project Proposal Due
  • Mar 15 Midterm
    • lab: -
  • Mar 21 Dimensionality Curse ; Graph Mining
  • Mar 29 HOLIDAY
  • Apr 5 Pattern ; Evaluations
  • Apr 12 Collaborative Filtering; PageRank
  • Apr 19 Feature Extraction ; Evaluation
  • Apr 26 Images ; Audio
  • May 3 Visualization ; HTML
  • May 10 In Real Life ; Review
    • lab: -
  • May 17 Final Presentation
    • lab: Bye!

12 Hi, I'm Jim Blomo    slide two_col

*Hello Class!*

  • Cal EECS
  • A9 - Amazon Search
  • PBworks
  • Yelp
  • Lecturer

13 Hi, I'm Shreyas    slide

  • First year Grad Student (MIMS '14)
  • Also TA'd Analyzing Big Data class
  • I can be reached at seekshreyas@gmail.com

14 Data is Important    slide

  • Making decisions is a core part of humanity
  • Data can help you make better decisions
  • Challenge: extract information from data to improve decisions

14.1 Decisions    notes

  • From big to small; from planning to execution
  • Business questions: what is the ROI of this feature? Where to concentrate development?
  • Personal questions: Where to eat dinner tonight? What movie to see?
  • Improving decisions means improving quality of life

15 Data is Important    slide center

15.1 Nice example of data mining    notes

  • Stop at 3:51
  • Had to work with external parties to get data (Yelp, city of Seattle)
  • Had to clean data (literally, sometimes he was just handed paper receipts)
  • Used regression analysis to discover patterns
  • created follow up questions
  • Used result to understand the meaning behind the data

16 Data Mining ecosystem    slide

  • Data mining is part of a process to make decisions from data
  • Intersection between statistics, computer science, data management, machine learning
  • Analysis & visualization often required

16.1 Ecosystem    notes

  • We'll talk about several ways to think about the process from data to knowledge
  • No universally agreed process, or black-and-white boundaries
  • Analysis: used at the beginning of investigations to understand data characteristics
  • Visualization: better understanding of the results of analysis or data mining

16.2 Analysis vs. Data Mining    slide two_col

  • Analysis: manually investigating data. No algorithms.
  • Statistical qualities: mean, median, standard deviation
  • Histograms (manually set buckets)
  • Counts / Percentages
  • Data Mining: discovering patterns though automated algorithms
  • Regressions: fitting data to a model
  • Clustering: grouping data without manually set descriptions
  • Classification: identifying divisive features

16.2.1 Pedantic    notes

  • Difference is subtle, but important for both the project and your resume

16.3 Machine Learning    slide two_col

  • Programs that can learn from data
  • Focus on prediction, based on verified training data
  • Used in two ways: during DM, after DM


16.3.1 Uses    notes

assume we have training data, train on it, see how useful trained program is or find outliers
Discover clusters, verify and label clusters. Use labelled clusters to train a program to recognize new data points

16.4 Probability & Statistics    slide two_col


  • Data describes real world events
  • Probability can describe real world expected events
  • Distributions can be used to summarize data, understand the factors behind its creation

16.4.1 Uses    notes

  • Can "fit" data to a distribution, find outliers that are unexpected
  • An example: Poisson distribution describes the expectation of a particular number of events occurring.
    • Eg. pieces of mail. average is 4, but it can vary. Is getting 7 or more pieces of mail really an outlier?

17 Process    slide two_col

  • Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)
  • Selection
  • Pre-processing
  • Transformation
  • Data Mining
  • Interpretation/Evaluation
  • Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining
  • Business Understanding
  • Data Understanding
  • Data Preparation
  • Modeling
  • Evaluation
  • Deployment

17.1 Common Themes    notes

  • Figure out what you want to do
  • Get the data
  • Make sure it's OK
  • Understanding
  • Make a decision, test its effectiveness
  • Reading will cover another process, aimed at "Data Science", but basically applies to Data Mining

18 Break    slide

Date: 2013-02-01 11:00:01 PST

Author: Jim Blomo

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