
Table of Contents

1 Questions    slide

1.1 Memory    notes

  • Spaced intervals makes memorizing easiest

2 Case Studies    slide

3 Process    slide two_col

  • Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)
  • Selection
  • Pre-processing
  • Transformation
  • Data Mining
  • Interpretation/Evaluation
  • Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining
  • Business Understanding
  • Data Understanding
  • Data Preparation
  • Modeling
  • Evaluation
  • Deployment

3.1 Data to Knowledge    notes

  • We learned last week that the goal of data mining is to turn raw data into knowledge

4 Search Engine Logs    slide

193.139.1 jim [10/Oct/2013:13:55:36 -0700] "GET /search?query=headache HTTP/1.1" 200 9288
282.482.3 shreyas [10/Oct/2013:13:56:36 -0700] "GET /search?query=bananas HTTP/1.1" 200 2929
345.114.1 steven [10/Oct/2013:13:56:37 -0700] "GET /search?query=cold HTTP/1.1" 200 8232
10.328.52 anne [10/Oct/2013:13:56:39 -0700] "GET /search?query=flu+shot HTTP/1.1" 200 2342
10.328.52 lily [10/Oct/2013:13:57:40 -0700] "GET /search?query=i290 HTTP/1.1" 200 2342
  • what is a common theme in these queries?

4.1 Raw Data    notes

  • raw data comes in many forms
  • often well use tech examples: eg search engine logs
  • these have information like user, IP, date-time, HTTP version, query
  • can we extract actionable information from it?

5 Flu Trends    slide two_col

  • Use dates to plot trends over time
  • Use IPs to show activity per state or city
  • Other ideas?


5.1 Other ideas    notes

  • What other information could you extract from log data?
  • Spread of flu over countries, cities?
  • Time of day? Do people notice in the morning?
  • correlated with any other activity? (eg. travel)
  • best day of the week to call in sick (and get away with it)?

6 Asking Questions    slide

  • Many potential discoveries within search logs
  • Asking meaningful questions is a difficult but essential part of data mining
  • Algorithms can answer questions for you, but it can't ask them

6.1 No magic    notes

  • Data mining is not a magical machine into which one throws data and gets out interesting facts
  • Data + question + algorithm suited for question => potential insights

7 Data Mining Process    slide animate

  • Data cleaning
  • Data integration
  • Data selection
  • Data transformation
  • Data mining*
  • Pattern evaluation
  • Knowledge presentation

7.1 We cover the full process    notes

remove abuse requests, "Estimates for Connecticut for weeks 2012-12-16 to 2013-01-06 were affected by a software glitch"
Collecting logs from different data centers, maybe from different formats (over the years)
IPs, dates, queries
IP to location. Dates to local time.
what words are associated with the flu? cold? fever? other languages?
This year worse than last, peaking later.
plotting, cartograms

8 Data Preparation    slide

  • Collecting, cleaning, integrating takes > 50% of the time in real world situations
  • Explains difficulty in finding good candidates for Data Scientist roles

8.1 Data Scientist    notes

  • In industry, most companies are hiring engineers to interact with the full stack, so that they can collect data
  • If preperation is > 50% and they hire you just for algorithms, they need ot hire > 1 other person just to support you
  • How many of you like just preparing data?

9 Transactional Data    slide

  • Discrete history of events, containing some minimum amount of data:
  • Subject: Who initiated action?
  • Verb: What was done?
  • Object: What was it done to?
  • Timestamp: When?

9.1 Storage    notes

  • Most common example is purchase history
  • Subject: user ID, or name
  • Verb: In logs, can vary. In databases, you'll have a purchases table, so verb is assumed to be "purchased"
  • Object: product IDs (or in web logs, web pages)
  • Timestamp: Make sure you account for timezones
  • Other Data: previous page, extra info about action (purchase with CC? Cash?)

10 Other Data    slide

  • Often does not contain timestamps
  • Spatial Data
  • Multimedia


10.1 Data    notes

  • Maps in general can be used to find interesting information: where are cities typically located? What are properties of well planned cities?
  • Videos have a time component, but are not transactional.
  • Music can be seen non-linearly and analyzed
  • img: http://flyingpudding.com/projects/viz_music/

11 Purpose of Data Mining    slide

Obtaining actionable knowledge
explains data already seen
Immediately understand new data

11.1 Tasks    notes

  • At Amazon, dashboards for different countries
  • Americans shopped at work; Germans shopped early morning, early evening; Japanese shopped late at night
  • Can help with capacity planning, ideas for discounts, warehouse staffing
  • Predictive: at Yelp, what business are you most likely to want to review next? As you have activity, instantly understand what is the best recommendation

12 Types of Models    slide animate

  • Classifiers
  • Regressions
  • Clustering
  • Outlier

12.1 Details    notes

describes and distinguishes cases. Yelp may want to find a category for a business based on the reviews and business description
Predict a continuous value. Eg. predict a home's selling price given sq footage, # of bedrooms
find "natural" groups of data without labels
find anomalous transactions, eg. finding fraud for credit cards

12.2 Tip of the Iceburg    slide two_col


  • Thousands of ways to calculate a model
  • Combinatorially more ways to combine them
  • In technique, large amount of overlap between purpose

12.3 Survey    notes

  • ML and DM fields churn these models out
  • Newest methods combine multiple models (boosting & bagging)
  • We're going to cover these in much greater detail in the course

13 Your own examples    slide animate

  • Classifiers
  • Regressions
  • Clustering
  • Outlier

13.1 Examples    notes

Newly opened business
Revenue estimates for a franchise store
Movie genres
Bot vs human web traffic

14 Machine Learning    slide

Given data with a label, predict data without a label
Given data without labels, group "similar" items together
Mix of the above: eg. unsupervised to find groups, supervised to label and distinguish borderline cases
Starting with unlabeled data, select the most helpful cases for a human to label

15 Matching    slide

  • Categories for businesses, where some business have correct labels, but not sure how precise categories should be
  • Comparing search results algorithms: some queries return the same results, some return very different businesses
  • Spam filter with existing corpus
  • Demographic information about customers

15.1 Details    notes

  • Matching with the type of learning

16 Break    slide

Date: 2013-02-01 13:38:13 PST

Author: Jim Blomo

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