
Table of Contents

1 Lab: Data Stats    slide

  • Obtain California (CA) campaign finance data
  • Decompress
  • Manually check
  • Run code/stats.py
  • Edit code/stats.py to add functionality
  • Pull Request submission

2 Data    slide

  • campaign finance data
  • We'll just be using CA data
  • Decompress and investigate using the tools we discussed

3 Code    slide

$ git checkout master
$ git pull jblomo master
$ git checkout -b hw-stats
  • Run and edit code/stats.py

4 Stats    slide

  • Minimum
  • Maxiumum
  • Mean
  • Median
  • Standard Deviation
  • Candidates
  • Normalized sample contributions

5 Extra Credit    slide

  • Extra credit is used to get you up to 100%
  • On the current assignment
  • Also helpful for learning topics more in depth
  • You may do partial extra credit

5.1 Overall Extra Credit    notes

  • EC that applies to overall grade will not be assigned

6 Extra Credit    slide

  • Stats per candidate
  • z-score

7 Git usage    slide

  • All edits, commits, pushes should happen on a hw- or project branch
  • git status
  • All pulls (typically from jblomo) should happen on master branch
    • If you use an editor connected to ischool server, make sure you are either editing or using git

7.1 Exceptions    notes

  • There are exceptions but know what you're trying to do
  • External editors can write back files after you've changed git branches

8 Submission    slide

  • GitHub pull request
  • If something is going wrong, submit by email: jblomo@ischool, shreyas@ischool
  • We'll help you submit the pull request, but HW will be full credit

8.1 Submission    notes

  • The pull request is a way for Shreyas and I to easily see changes, grade
  • It'll give you good experience, but it is not a fundemental skill of the class, so I'm not too worried about it

Date: 2013-02-08 13:51:10 PST

Author: Jim Blomo

Org version 7.8.02 with Emacs version 23

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