
Table of Contents

1 MapReduce    slide

1.1 Spoilers    notes

  • Don't look ahead in the slides
  • If you know MapReduce, try to let others answer and genuinely think about how you would solve the problem.

2 Yelp has a problem    slide

  • 250+ GB of logs per day
  • Each GB takes 10 minutes to process
  • How long to handle a day's logs?


2.1 Too long    notes

  • On a single machine 40+ hours!
  • If we really had only a single machine, we wouldn't be able to keep up!
  • Mistake can't be fixed in a day (billing especially important)

3 Solution?    slide animate

  • Don't use one machine!
  • What are the new challenges?
  • Distributing data
  • Calculating overall statistics
  • Failures

3.1 New Challenges    notes

  • With many machines, how to they get access to the 100 GB of logs?
  • How do they coordinate who gets which section of logs?
  • How do we calculate the average?
  • What happens when one of the boxes dies?
    • Detecting failure (timeout waiting for data? Out of band?)
    • Decide who takes over the data

4 Do It Yourself    slide two_col

  • There are many ways to deal with these challenges
  • Often, people would "roll" their own solutions depending on the problem
  • Google implemented a generic solution, shared idea


4.1 Dependencies    notes

  • Did you have a super-computer?
  • What programming language were you using?
  • Type of problem being solved (working on graphs, or web logs, …)

5 Big Idea    slide

  • Simplify, limit solution expression
  • Enable sophisticated implementation
  • Interface: Map() Reduce()
  • Implementation: Reliably run over 1000s of machines

5.1 Really Big Idea    notes

  • Limiting yourself to what can be expressed may seem like a loss
  • But it enables the implementation to handle the problems we talked about
  • And then can be used as understandable building blocks

6 MapReduce    slide

Extract a property to summarize over
Summarize all items with a particular property
  • Simple: Each operation stateless

6.1 Reading    notes

  • Reading this week includes a video explaining MapReduce much more generally
  • This lecture will focus on it from a practical standpoint for homework
  • MapReduce's main benefits are for running over many machines, fault tolerance
  • But we'll just practice on one machine

6.2 Example    slide

  • Web application logs
  • How many actions have we seen?
    • Business views
    • User profile views
    • Searches

6.2.1 Details    notes

Business Views
Triple Rock, Bear Raman
User profile
query, location

6.3 Logs    slide

{'page_type': 'search',
 'user': 'jim', 'query': ...}

{'page_type': 'biz_view',
 'user': 'shreyas', 'biz_id': 55}

{'page_type': 'user_profile',
 'user': null, 'profile_id: 123}


6.3.1 Logs    notes

  • JSON logs, various types of information
  • entire record on one line (wrapped for slides)

6.4 Map    slide

Key, Value
Keys, Values

6.5 Map Example    slide

Input Key
Log line number
Input Value
Log line text
Output Key
Output Value
times this action has occurred on this line

6.5.1 Counts    notes

  • Log line number is not helpful in our specific case
  • Log line text: we hope it is machine readable so we can accurately extract the action
  • It has datetime, cookie, action, etc.
  • How many times has this action occurred? 1
  • Tunnel vision: all we care about is this line

6.6 Actions?    slide

search       1 
biz_view     1 
user_profile 1 
search       1 
biz_view     1 
search       1 
biz_view     1 
user_profile 1 
search       1 

6.6.1 Middle Step    notes

  • From log lines, we've extracted the information out that we care about
  • The counts and the actions
  • Next step summarize
  • Next step after Map?

6.7 Reduce    slide

Key, Values
Keys, Values

6.7.1 Values    notes

  • Note: The input is values! Plural
  • Because we get a key and all of its associated values
  • Remind me: what are we trying to get out of this computation?
  • So what do you think the output keys are?
  • Values?

6.8 Reduce Example    slide

Input Key
Input Values
Counts: [1,1,1,1]
Output Key
Output Value
Total Count

6.8.1 Details    notes

  • Action is one of search bizview profileview
  • To get total count, sum all of the counts

6.9 Example Output    slide

Output Key
Output Value
Total Count
"search"       4
"user_profile" 2
"biz_view"     3

7 Point?    slide

  • A lot of work for counting!
  • More complex calculations can be done this way, eg. PageRank
  • Stateless constraint means it can be used across thousands of computers

7.1 Details    notes

  • By only looking at keys and values, can optimize a lot of back-end work
  • Where to send the results?
  • What to do when a computer fails? (Just restart failed part)

7.2 Implementation    slide

biz_view     1 
user_profile 1 
search       1 
search       1 
biz_view     1 
search       1 
biz_view     1 
user_profile 1 
search       1 

7.3 Intermediate    notes

  • This was the situation after map
  • Keys all jumbled
  • What Hadoop does is sort them and distribute them to computers

7.4 "Shuffle"    slide

biz_view     1 
biz_view     1 
biz_view     1 
search       1 
search       1 
search       1 
search       1 
user_profile 1 
user_profile 1 

7.5 Distribute    notes

  • Now it is easy to distribute, and can handle all the biz_view at once

7.6 Inputs    slide

  • MapReduce distributes computing power by distributing input
  • Input is distributed by splitting on lines (records)
  • You cannot depend on lines being "together" in MapReduce

7.6.1 Splitting Files    notes

  • Image you have a lot of large log files, GB each
  • You'd like to let different machines work on the same file
  • Split file down the middle, well, at least on a newline
  • Enable two separate machines to work on the parts
  • You don't know what line came before this one
  • You don't know if you will process the next line
  • Only view is this line
  • Real life slightly more complicated, but mostly hacks around this

8 Word Count    slide

{"text": "Greatest pizza ever", "stars": 2, "user": ...}

{"text": "good pizza selection", "stars": 5, "user": ...}
  • Total uses of a word in across all reviews

8.1 Classic    notes

  • This is the traditional MapReduce example, so let's solve it
  • No skipping ahead

9 Steps    slide animate

  • Map
  • Extract text
  • Count words in that review
  • Key: word , Value: count
  • Reduce
  • Key: word , Values: all counts
  • sum(values)

9.1 Hints    notes

  • What's the first step (of MapReduce)
  • What part of the record are we interested in?
  • What do we want with those words?
  • Mapper: Key Value? What are we grouping by?
  • Next step (of MapReduce)
  • What are the reducer inputs
  • with all of these counts, how do we summarize

9.2 Examples    slide animate

  • "Greatest pizza ever"
  • Counts
    • Greatest: 1
    • pizza: 1
    • ever: 1
  • Reducer, Key: pizza
    • Values: [1, 1]
    • Output: ["pizza", 2]

10 Multi-Step    slide

  • Not all computations can be done in a single MapReduce step
  • Map Input: <key, value>
  • Reducer Output: <key, value>
  • Compose MapReduce steps!

10.1 Output as Input    notes

  • The output of one MapReduce job can be used as the input to another

10.2 Examples    slide

  • PageRank: Multiple steps till solution converges
  • Multi-level summaries

10.3 PageRank    notes

  • PageRank is an algorithm for calculating the important of a page
  • But it depends on the importance of every page pointing to it!
  • So iteratively calculate the important of all pages
  • Find average presidential donations by candidate, then normalize averages

11 Unique Review    slide animate

  • Review ID with the most unique words
  • Map Input: <line number, text>
  • Map Output: <word, review_id>
  • Reducer Input: <word, [review_ids]>
  • Reducer Output: <review_id, 1> if the word is unique

11.1 Questions    notes

  • For our purposes, what is always the mapper input?
  • What feature do we want to calculate first?
  • Given this mapper output, what must the reducer input be?
  • What property about a review are we interested in?

11.2 Step 2: Count Unique Words    slide animate

  • Map Input: <review_id, 1>
  • Map Output: <review_id, 1>
  • Reducer Input: <review_id, [1,1,…]>
  • Reducer Output: <review_id, sum>

11.3 Questions    notes

  • Given the reducer output, what must the mapper input be (for chained MapReduce steps)
  • What do we want to group by?
  • Given this mapper output, what must the reducer input be?
  • What are we calculating?

11.4 Step 3: Max    slide animate

  • Map Input: <review_id, sum>
  • Map Output: <"MAX", [sum, review_id]>
  • Reducer Input: <"MAX", [[sum, review_id],…]>
  • Reducer Output: <review_id, sum> of the max(sum)

11.5 Questions    notes

  • Given the reducer output, what must the mapper input be (for chained MapReduce steps)
  • We're calculating a statistic over what portion of the data set?
  • What stat are we calculating?

Date: 2013-02-15 08:29:27 PST

Author: Jim Blomo

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