
Table of Contents

1 Final Project    slide

2 Deliverables    slide

  • Project Proposal
  • Written report
  • Presentation
  • Code
  • Data (URL or sampled)
  • May 16 midnight

3 Groups    slide

  • 1-2 people

4 Proposal    slide

  • Informal, not graded
  • A plan for your project
  • After the proposal you should just be executing, not brainstorming
  • Discussions before proposal encouraged

5 Report    slide

  • Introduction: problem, insights, solutions
  • Problem: motivation, data set
  • Solution: techniques, failures, examples
  • Details: parameter tuning, software engineering challenges
  • Related work: including resources you used
  • Further work: any remaining ideas you have

5.1 Notes    notes

  • Length: around 2 pages, but more important to hit these points
  • Introduction: "gosh, if these insights are true, it would be really exciting"
  • Problem: include problems with your data set
  • Solution: if you do clustering, give examples of a cluster you found and individual data points that it contains
  • Details: what commands did you use for particular libraries. Can someone duplicate you work?
  • Formats: PDF, Google Doc

6 Research Paper    slide

6.1 Skip sections    notes

  • No abstract
  • Think paragraphs instead of pages

7 Presentation    slide

  • ~10 minutes
  • Think: 1 slide per paragraph
  • Focus on images, stories, examples
  • Motivate people to read your paper, don't read it to them

8 Code    slide

  • Another GitHub repository
  • If private, add Shreyas and me
  • Include README with info on how to run algorithms
  • Suggestion: include your paper

8.1 Reproducible    notes

  • Imagine if someone wanted to reproduce your results
  • Also great for portfolio (with Paper)

9 Data    slide

  • If large, just point to URL in paper and README
  • If very large, talk with me about hosting on Amazon Web Services
  • We'll have computing resources available from Amazon

Date: 2013-05-07 22:49:10 PDT

Author: Jim Blomo

Org version 7.8.02 with Emacs version 23

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