
Table of Contents

1 Classification: Decision Trees    slide

2 Types of Models    slide animate

  • Classifiers
  • Regressions
  • Clustering
  • Outlier

2.1 Details    notes

describes and distinguishes cases. Yelp may want to find a category for a business based on the reviews and business description
Predict a continuous value. Eg. predict a home's selling price given sq footage, # of bedrooms
find "natural" groups of data without labels
find anomalous transactions, eg. finding fraud for credit cards

3 Process    slide animate

  • Training Set
  • Learning
  • Model / Classifier
  • Testing Set
  • Verification / Accuracy
  • New Data
  • Classification

3.1 Steps    notes

to be able to classify data
Training Set
Cleaned, preprocessed data that has labels. What are labels?
Feed the training set to an algorithm. Algorithm associates some of the features with the labels and generates a model.
Model / Classifier
Process or formula used to predict the label (class) given inputs (data record)
Testing Set
Data not in training set, with labels. Run through model to see how the model compares with the real labels.
Verification / Accuracy
Given the matches / mismatches in the testing set, how can we measure how well the model reflects reality?
Unseen Data
Finally, we're ready to start using our model / classifier to label new, real, unknown data! So clean and pre-process it the same way.
Feed the unknown data and get out results!

4 Learning    slide


4.1 Example    notes

  • We have training data. What are these column types?
  • Feed it into a classification algorithm
  • In the case it is generating Rules.
  • Models can be as simple as this: just a set of rules to follow. We'll see how we can extend this idea
  • The learning step generates a model: these rules

5 Classification    slide


5.1 Possibilities    notes

  • Now that we have the model / classifier, we can do two things
  • 1: Use testing data different from training data
  • compare the classifier guesses with reality
  • 2: Use the classifier on unknown data
  • Why not just jump into classifying unknown data? Why have a test step?

6 Machine Learning    slide

Given data with a label, predict data without a label
Given data without labels, group "similar" items together
Mix of the above: eg. unsupervised to find groups, supervised to label and distinguish borderline cases
Starting with unlabeled data, select the most helpful cases for a human to label

6.1 Which is this?    notes

  • In the example above, what type of learning?
  • Supervised: we have labels, we want to guess unlabeled data

7 Confusion Matrix    slide

  • What are the ways that classification can be wrong?
Predict: PositivePredict: Negative
Actual: PositiveTrue PositiveFalse Negative
Actual: NegativeFalse NegativeTrue Negative

7.1 Basis for Evaluation    notes

  • Most methods of evaluating results start with the confusion matrix
  • Figuring out what different ways you were right or wrong
  • Then using different formulas to emphasize the things you care about

8 Recall & Precision    slide

  • Recall: TP / P
  • Precision: TP / (TP + FP)
  • Sometimes these are in tension; other measurements balance them

8.1 Trade-off    notes

  • Classic trade-off in search

9 Example: Search    slide


9.1 Searching Yelp    notes

  • Searched yelp for a burrito in the Mission
  • How good are these search results?
  • Let's say we knew this first result was great, and only returned it
  • What would our precision be?
  • What would the recall be?
  • How could we improve recall?
  • How can we guarantee 100% recall?
  • What will that do to the precision?
  • Understand ways of combining these measurements in the book

10 Decision Trees    slide

  • Rules formulated as a tree of decisions
  • Choose Your Own Adventure for machine learning
  • So how do we build the trees?

10.1 Rules expressed trees    notes

  • At each node in the tree, pose a question
  • Take a branch depending on your answer
  • Leaf nodes are labels

11 Build a Tree    slide


11.1 Directions    notes

  • First node question: is rank=professor?
  • If True, what's the label?
  • If False, we go to another node
  • Second node question: is years > 6?
  • If True what's the label?
  • If False, what's the label?

12 Build a Tree    slide


12.1 Next challenge    notes

  • How to go from a data set like this

12.2 Build a Tree    slide


12.2.1 Result    notes

  • To a tree like this?

13 Decision Tree Induction    slide

  • Start with all the data
  • Choose the "best" way to divide it up based on one attribute
  • Make a node that asks a question to split the data
  • Choose new "best" way to divide based on remaining attributes
  • Stop: no attributes left, all records are the same class

13.1 Recursive    notes

  • Look at all the attributes. What's the best way to split up the data?
  • We'll look at way to mathematically evaluate splits
  • Now recursively do the same
  • If you've split on all the attributes, but still have a mix, use a majority rule
  • If all the records are the same class, you don't have to keep spitting: your answer is right there!
  • For continuous data, must bucket it so you can have a discrete number of answers

14 Information Gain    slide

  • Comparison of how mixed results are before and after splitting
  • Entropy measurement of "mixed"
  • Two pure data sets have less entropy on average than one mixed

14.1 Information    notes

  • Book will go into detail about how to think about entropy
  • General idea: how difficult would it be to memorize the data sets?
  • Easy if pure: all class A
  • Still fairly easy if 2 pure sets: 1 is class A, other is class B
  • Now more difficult if they are mixed: first 2 records are A, then one B, then another A

15 Gini Index    slide

Gini(D) = 1 - sum(frac**2 for frac in classes)

Sum of the squares of the fraction of items in each class

16 Splitting    slide

  • Discrete values can split per value
  • Or discrete values binary split into subsets
  • Continuous values can split on range (usually 2)

16.1 Different    notes

  • If you'd like a binary tree (useful for some algorithms), can split on subsets
  • Can't split 400 different ways on continuous values… what about values that haven't been seen before?

17 Decision Tree Advantages    slide

  • Models easy to understand and visualize
  • Can be faster to construct
  • Can encode tree in declarative languages (SQL)
  • Robust: outliers generally fit in with normal data

17.1 Trees    notes

  • Its a tree! Easy to draw
  • Greedy algorithm means you're only go over the data so many times
  • Models can translate into database statements
  • Outliers don't have a numeric pull on the data (similar to difference between median and mean)

18 Break    slide

Date: 2013-02-22 08:41:02 PST

Author: Jim Blomo

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