
Table of Contents

1 Review    slide

  • Midterm target length: 1.5 hours
  • Time limit: 3 hours
  • 1 cheat sheet, 8.5x11
  • Calculators OK, not required
  • Questions from slides have a higher probability of appearing
  • Questions from the reading are fair game

2 Case Studies    slide

  • Example of "transactional data"
  • Example of non-transactional data

3 Obtaining Data    slide

  • Tradeoffs of dataset vs API?
  • Tradeoffs of operational database vs data warehouse
  • Unix commands to explore data?

4 Probability    slide

  • Other names for a Feature
  • Difference between Discrete and Continuous feature
  • What type of feature is day of the week?
  • Ways to measure central tendency?
  • What is skew?
  • When is asymmetric binary dissimilarity useful?
  • How to calculate L2 norm of two points?
  • What is cosign similarity?

5 Preprocessing    slide

  • When storing the same fact in different ways, what type of problem is likely?
  • Can data corruption happen with no mistakes and no bugs?
  • What are some options to deal with missing values?
  • What are some options to deal with outliers?
  • What does correlation imply?

6 Data Warehouse    slide

  • OLAP vs OLTP
  • Examples of database metadata?
  • What is a data multi-cube?
  • What is at the center of a star schema?
  • What is the tradeoff being made in dimension tables?
  • Define:
    • Rollup
    • Drill-down
    • Slice
    • Dice
    • Pivot

7 MapReduce    slide

  • What tradeoff are we making with MapReduce?
  • Why is log processing a typical use of MapReduce?
  • What types of processing is not well suited?
  • For a multi-step job, the output of a reducer is fed into what?

8 Decision Tree    slide

  • What table can we create from the verification results to understand performance of our model?
  • For supervised learning, what is required to train a model?
  • What is a naive way to optimize precision?
  • Recall?
  • Assuming we use all attributes to classify, what is the height of our tree?
  • What are we optimizing for in the leaf nodes?

9 Naive Bays    slide

  • Where does the testing set come from?
  • What is the k in k-fold cross-validation?
  • Bayes theorem finds P(A|B). In email spam detection, what are A and B?
  • What is the Naive assumption we make in Naive Bayes?
  • Why can training many models be useful?
  • What is bootstrap sampling?
  • What is a random forest?

10 SVM    slide

  • When finding a linear fit for home prices, what is our fitness function?
  • What is the gradient in gradient descent?
  • In the general case, are you guaranteed to find the globally optimal solution when using gradient descent?
  • Why does SVM work so well in practice, even though it requires linear separability?
  • If your data is not linearly separable, can you use SVM?

11 Neural Networks    slide

  • What is model variance?
  • What problem does high model variance indicate?
  • What is an activation function?
  • What types of problems are neural networks especially suited for?
  • What are we improve during backward propagation?

12 Partitioning Clusters    slide

  • What is the difference between k-means and k-nearest-neighbor?
  • What are some of the problems with k-means?
  • Why is normalization especially useful in clustering?
  • What are the tradeoffs for using k-medoid clustering?

13 Hierarchical Clustering    slide

  • What are the options to calculate cluster distance?
  • Describe how to draw a dendrogram
  • What are the drawbacks to density clustering with DBSCAN?
  • If you had movie description data, but no genres, would you use Fuzzy Clustering or Partitioned Clustering?
  • How can we evaluate a clustering algorithm if our data is already labeled with clusters?

14 Good Luck!    slide

Date: 2013-03-15 13:36:52 PDT

Author: Jim Blomo

Org version 7.8.02 with Emacs version 23

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