
Table of Contents

1 Frequent Patterns    slide

2 Finding Patterns    slide

  • Cookies frequently purchased with milk
  • Website signups frequently occurring after reading FAQ
  • DNA sections frequently seen with a drug reaction

2.1 Patterns    notes

  • set of items
  • subsequences of actions
  • substructures
  • Generalized to any kind of pattern that occurs "frequently" in the dataset

3 Market Basket    slide

  • What things are frequently purchased together?
  • Apocryphal example: beer and diapers
  • Can be used for any natural grouping

3.1 Details    notes

  • Example of how patterns are discovered is to look at groups of actions
  • One natural group is the shopping basket: what items are in it?
  • But can also be applied to anytime there is a natural grouping
    • Eg. web session logs group naturally around a person and time window

4 Define "Frequently"    slide

A and B
probability that a transaction contains A ∪ B
conditional probability that a transaction having A also contains B

4.1 Probabilities    notes

  • We have two actions A and B
  • Out of all the groupings, how many had both items?
  • Out of all the groupings with A, how many had B?

5 Minimums    slide two_col

Min Support
lower bound on support probability
Min Confidence
lower bound on confidence probability
Rule that satisfies both minimums


5.1 "Frequently"    notes

  • Now we can talk about what frequently means
  • It doesn't matter if two very unpopular items were purchased together: car battery and smoke detector
  • Also don't care if A happens a lot: everybody buys milk, so not a big deal if some bought milk and strawberries
  • Also important to note confidence is not symmetric: buying strawberries may be frequent with buying milk, but not visa versa

6 Too Many Rules    slide

  • Patterns not limited to 2 events
  • But looking for all patterns leads to combinatorial number of options

7 Subset Patterns    slide

X rule is frequent and there exists no frequent super-pattern Y
X rule is frequent and there exists no super-pattern Y with the same support
Find only max-pattern or closed patterns, let other patterns be subsets

7.1 Shortcut    notes

  • So how can we calculate all the potentially frequently occurring patterns?
  • We can find either the max or closed pattern that encompasses all of the patterns we're looking for
  • These are more easily tracked, and we can still derive all of the frequently occurring sub-patterns
  • We can use the reverse: if a rule or item is not frequent enough alone, its super-set will not be frequent enough:
    • If A is does not meet min support, there's no way for A,B to make support

8 Apriori    slide

  1. Find supported single event rules
  2. Combine to make 2-event rules, check DB for support
  3. Combine to make 3-event rules, check DB…
  4. Stop when no N-event rules

9    slide


9.1 Speed    notes

  • Isn't that slow? Yes!
  • Book has some techniques to speed it up, mostly around grouping
  • Can group together sets and if the group does not meet the support threshold, then none of the members do

10 Interesting Patterns    slide two_col

  • Strong rules may not always be interesting rules
  • Basketball => eat cereal [40%, 66.7%] is strong
  • But "not cereal" has a bigger effect on if you play basketball
BasketballNot basketballSum
Not cereal10002501250

10.1 Details    notes

  • Not cereal column: has a huge effect on if someone plays basketball
  • cereal + basketball… sure it happens frequently, but you'd actually expect to see a bigger effect

11 Lift    slide

  • P(A ∪ B) / P(A)*P(B)
  • If A and B independent, what is likelihood of A and B?

11.1 Correlation    notes

  • 1
  • so if lift > 1, you're seeing something that is happening more often than random
  • < 1 means they negatively correlated
  • X2, cosine, others in book

12 Break    slide

Date: 2013-04-05 00:56:49 PDT

Author: Jim Blomo

Org version 7.8.02 with Emacs version 23

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