
Table of Contents

1 Multimedia Data Mining    slide

2 Features    slide two_col

  • Core algorithms similar to "traditional" data mining
  • Difference lies in feature engineering
  • How to translate intuitions to numbers and formulas?


3 Types    slide

geographic points and features, including natural and man-made phenomenon
Size, color, shape, curves, relative positions
Tone, tempo, beat, rhythm
Speed, accent, word pauses, background noise

3.1 Covering    notes

  • We'll cover these areas briefly to get an overview of techniques used in these fields
  • All of these things have embedded information in them, and we are trying to extract it
  • One of the reasons data mining is not a black box: some one has to be on the outside interpreting results. Results inform technique

4 Generalization    slide two_col

  • Many of these areas have digital representations
  • Can we use the raw bit representations?
  • Usually not: must generalize patterns


4.1 Density    notes

  • The data we get from digital representations is generally too sparse
  • Key component of good learning is data, but you need fairly dense data to learn a pattern
  • Hypothetically, a neural network could extract general features from raw data, but you'd need a really large amount of data in order to get the density needed
  • Example: for NLP, perhaps your corpus is too sparse: not many words are shared between documents. So instead generalize: what parts of speech or patterns show up across documents?

5 Generalized Features    slide

  • Derivative / Slope of behavior
  • Min / Max of groups of points
  • Bucketing / Blurring
  • Relative positions / angles

5.1 Techniques    notes

  • How can you strip some of the non-essential information, keep important patterns?
  • Many times we care about relative change, like in pricing
  • Or group data points together (clustering is an advanced form of this)
  • OK, let's get into some specifics:

6 GIS    slide two_col

  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Analysis and visualization of geographic data
  • Search, terrain, object detection, flow calculations


7 Spatial Databases    slide

  • Integrates spatial information with traditional DBMS operations
  • Spatial indexing, distance metrics, polygon definitions, layering
  • Eg: Oracle Spatial Data Cartridge, ESRI Spatial Engine

8 Discovery    slide

  • What are examples of efficient city layouts?
  • What influences successful business centers?
  • Deforestation rates

8.1 Ideas    notes

  • City layouts: Understanding home->work distances, not Euclidean, but traffic on streets or by public transportation, recognizing traffic jams
  • Business centers: analyzing network flow based on roads: industrial supply centers nearby? Creative centers, restaurants, nightlife?
  • Deforestation: nearby cities' effect? Recognizing forested areas vs clear cut. Time series

9 ATM Locations given obstacles    slide center


9.1 Yelp    notes

  • This is a current area we could improve at Yelp:
  • Just because you're a mile from a restaurant doesn't mean it is "close"
  • Maybe across the Bay, or maybe in between metro stops
  • How can you calculate efficiently?

10 Images    slide two_col

  • General Feature Extraction
  • Sketch Recognition
  • Image Recognition


10.1 Covering    notes

11 SIFT    slide


11.1 Process    notes

  • Successively apply Gaussian blur to image
  • Find points which "stand out" between blurs (ie big differences)
  • You can connect these keypoints to make a kind of fingerprint
  • These fingerprints can be used, scaled, etc. to match against other images

12 Sketch Recognition    slide center


  • Find (x,y) points along a sketch

12.1 Why?    notes

  • Sketch recognition can be used to see if you're drawing shapes
  • Be nice to be able to snap a picture of your diagram on a napkin and have it come out nicely formatted?
  • But how to recognize a circle, assuming you can't draw a perfect circle?
  • Start with (x,y) points, but as we mentioned, very sparse
  • Images by Marty Field

13 Direction    slide center


  • Find angles along a sketch

13.1 Angles?    notes

  • Instead of points, measure the angle at each turn
  • You'll notice something peculiar about these angles. What?
  • They're more than +/- 180 because we want to continue a "trend" if they're turning the same way. Help identify changes in direction vs spirals

14 Direction Plot    slide center


  • Plot angles vs time

14.1 Why?    notes

  • Becomes even more generalized:
    • What is the derivative?
    • How many times to we change derivatives?

15 Direction Plot    slide center


  • Plot angles vs time

15.1 Why?    notes

  • Example where we change directions

16 Features    slide center


Normalized Distance between Direction Extremes
Direction Change Ratio

16.1 Why?    notes

Are the discontinuous changes in direction, or is the line
  • generally curvy, and follows a similar path?
Total amount of angle change in the sketch. Low for first, high for second
bounding box size/ratio, stroke length, distance between endpoints, length, width, height, speed, direction, acceleration

17 All Together Now    slide

18 Music    slide

  • Generate a finger print: time, frequency, amplitude
  • Filter most intense (largest) amplitudes
  • Create a hash of connections between points
  • Match, in time, the hash between songs


18.1 Relation to Images    notes

  • Interesting to note: we transformed one media type (music) into another (image), then started using some techniques we've seen in image fingerprinting
  • More in reading

19 Break    slide

Date: 2013-04-26 09:55:15 PDT

Author: Jim Blomo

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