
Table of Contents

1 Outliers    slide

2 Generative Model    slide animate

  • "Real" model that produced original data points
  • Our mission is to reproduce the original model
  • Thus we have different techniques that can model different behavior

2.1 Questions    notes

  • What is a "generative model"?
  • What is data mining trying to discover? What is machine learning hoping to reproduce?
  • Why have different classifiers? Decision tree, Naive Bayes, etc?

3 Outliers    slide two_col

  • Significant deviation
  • Probably generated through a different model than the rest of the data
  • Normal / Abnormal


3.1 Intuitive    notes

4 Outlier Types    slide

points which deviate from the rest of the entire data set. Point anomalies
points which deviate from their peers. Conditional outliers
points which deviate as a group, even though individual points may not be considered outliers.

5 Which Type?    slide

  • Given class sizes at Berkeley:
    • A day with 10 people in class
    • A day with 7000 people in class
    • 3 weeks of 15 people in this class
  • Given Earth's temperatures:
    • A day at 100°C
    • 30 straight days of rain in Berkeley
    • A day at 100°F

6 Types of Learning    slide two_col

  • Supervised
  • Unsupervised
  • Semi-Supervised


6.1    notes

learning from "gold standard" labels
learning without labels
infer more labels from a few, learn based on inferred + labeled

7 Outlier Methods    slide

Label outliers, treat as classification problem
Cluster data, find points not clustered well
Manually label few, find point nearby to automatically label, then treat as classification
Decide on a generative model / distribution, find points which have a low probability of belonging
Use relative distance to neighbors

7.1 Features    notes

  • Some methods may be overlapping
  • When developing features for classification, using relative features can be helpful: eg. distance from mean
  • Eg. Agglomerative clustering, find lone/small groups that are last to glom together
  • Eg. k-means find points which are "far" out from centroids
    • Determining "far", "last" can be application specific, part of the challenge
  • What algorithm could we use to automatically label nearby points? k-nearest neighbor
  • Statistical: Again, must define "low" in your domain
  • Proximity: basically translating features into another, relative, space, then applying a different type of outlier detection (eg. statistical)

8 Statistical    slide

  • Assume a distribution
  • Determine parameters
  • Calculate probability of a point be generated by distribution

8.1 Why Statistical    notes

  • We've covered supervised, clustering, so let's skip to statistical methods
  • Most straight forward way is to use distributions

8.2 Statistical Example    slide two_col

  • Assume normal distribution
  • Determine mean and standard distribution
  • If (point-mean)/stddev > 3, consider outlier


8.2.1 Pros/Cons    notes

  • Straight forward
  • Can use % to intuitively motivate (3 stdevs is outside 99.7%)
  • But must manually determine cut-off
  • How do we know we got the parameters right?

9 Grubb's Test    slide

  • Takes into account sample size; reliability of mean/stddev measurements
  • Take Z-score of a point, assign to G
  • Student t-test: used to measure the distribution of actual mean from a sample


9.1 Pros/Cons    notes

  • Z-score: abs(x-u)/s
  • This isn't actually that different from measuring stddev
  • But accounts for sample size, can express your confidence with alpha 95% (0.05)
  • Not going to go into t-test/t-distribution here, but basically it helps show where the mean likely is, given a set of sample data.

10 Outlier Distance    slide animate

  • How to take outliers in > 1 dimension?
  • Translate distance to 1 dimension, find outliers
  • How to measure distance?

10.1 Limitations    notes

  • What are the limitations of the techniques we've seen?
  • Limited to one dimension! Taking mean, stddev, etc. applies to 1 dimension
  • Euclidean: doesn't take into account dependent variables

11 Mahalanobis Distance    slide two_col

  • y depends somewhat on x
  • Euclidean distance measures all dimensions equally
  • Use covariance matrix to normalize distances in each dimension
  • Matrix in which E_i,j is the covariance of i, j dimensions


11.1 Mahalanobis    notes

  • How to capture intuition that a distance along major axis is different than along this minor axis?
  • Expand this drawing into 3 dimensions
  • Euclidean distance will equally weight something that is out in the z direction as something that is along this primary scatter area

11.2 Mahalanobis Definition    slide

  • Find mean vector
  • Normalize by covariance


11.3 Some Math    notes

  • Some extra math tricks to make the units work out:
  • We're taking the squared distance, then taking the square root
  • DM has squared Mahalanobis distance defined
  • What happens if we have no covariance? S is the Identity matrix

12 Contextual Outliers    slide

  • Typically reduce scope to context, use global techniques
  • Example: Calculate normal distribution for Berkeley weather
  • Collective outliers: find collections, use as context

13 Break    slide

Date: 2013-04-26 09:40:08 PDT

Author: Jim Blomo

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