
Table of Contents

1 Develop a Visualization    slide

  • Learn D3
  • Extract data from your project
  • Build a visualization of it

2 Deliverable    slide

  • HTML with visualization
  • Dependencies

3 Example    slide

  • code/histogram.html
# extract 2000 reviews
grep 'type": "review' ../yelp_phoenix_academic_dataset/yelp_academic_dataset_review.json | head -n 200 > reviews-200.json
import json
with open("reviews-200.json") as f:
    r = map(json.loads, f)
# extract star ratings
[rev['stars'] for rev in r]

3.1 Notes    notes

  • Include notes on how you extracted your data
  • Notes can be in a separate files, or comments in the code
  • My notes might be these shell/python commands

4 Partners    slide

  • If you've never written JS on your own:
  • Find someone familiar with D3
  • Still must turn in separate homeworks
  • Cite your sources

4.1 Javascript    notes

  • Since this class is not teaching Javascript, you'll need to learn on your own
  • Special case: find someone to help you learn
  • Folks who know D3: this assignment is not a challenge, so please find someone to help. Teaching is a great way to learn

5 Extra Credit    slide

  • [[http://trifacta.github.io/vega/][Vega] is a JS visualization Grammer
  • Write homework in Vega instead

5.1 Closer to Grammar    notes

  • Vega is a declarative way of specifying a graphic
  • Uses D3 underneath

6 D3 Intro    slide

Date: 2013-05-03 09:41:43 PDT

Author: Jim Blomo

Org version 7.8.02 with Emacs version 23

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