Table of Contents

1 Web Architecture 253   slide

Understanding the web's core technologies from user-facing (HTML, CSS) to underlying (TCP/IP). At the end of the course students will have an overview of what happens between typing an address in a browser and interacting with the web page. We'll leverage industry accepted technologies to implement a simple web app.
Homework (30%), midterm (30%), project (40%).
Jim Blomo <jblomo@ischool>
Molly Robison <mrobison@ischool>

2 Syllabus   slide

Date Readings Slides Homework / Project
Aug 29 A Brief History of the Web & Long Live the Web Optional: Try Git Intro & Browsers Git & HW1 - browsers
Sep 5 HTML5 Elements & CSS Selectors ; CSS inheritance ; Optional: Blink Tag HTML & CSS HW2 - Personal Page
Sep 12 Optional: Elequent Javascript, jQuery Validate Example, W3C Forms Specification Forms & Javascript HW3 - Madlib Form
Sep 19 Architecture of the World Wide Web Sections 1 & 2, Cool URIs don't change, (Skim) HTTP headers reference, (Optional) Flask URI & HTTP & HTTP Server HW4 - Telnet
Sep 26 State Sections 1-5; Learn Python the Hard Way Exercise 39, Dictionaries; Flask Quickstart Rendering Templates, The Request Object Dynamic Webpages & HTTP Data HW5 - HTTP Data; Project Part 1
Oct 3 Cookie; REST explained; RESTful APIs Part 1 (especially note on how to model a transaction) and Part 2 (careful, uses an older version of Github API); HATEOAS; Roots of the REST/SOAP Debate (Optional) ONLINE: Cookies & ReST HW6 - Github API
Oct 10 IP, TCP, and HTTP; TCP/IP Overview (Figure 2; Figure 4; TCP; Rest for Overview); How DNS Works; DNS Steps Internet & TCP and DNS HW7 - DNS
Oct 17 Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site & (Optional) Steve Souder's Blog; Google Speed Rules Front-end Performance (PDF) & Midterm Review HW8 - GZIP (see frontend slides) canceled
Oct 24 Midterm   Project Part 1 Due (Oct 30)
Oct 31 Why is it hard to scale a database, in layman’s terms?; NoSQL History ; MySQL SELECT (for HW reference) ; Optional: Distributed System Design Storage Systems HW9 - DB ; start Project Part 2
Nov 7 Google: A Behind-the-Scenes Look; The Dirty Little Secrets of Search; SEO Starter Guide (skim); Microdata Specification (HW reference) ; PageRank (Original paper, optional) Search & SEO HW10 Microdata
Nov 14 Mobile is Eating the World; Tale of Two Viewports (both parts); Multi-touch Web Development; Mobile Best Practices (skim); Mobile Web & Mobile Development HW11 Mobile Page
Nov 21 A Taxonomy of Data Science; Apache Hadoop: Petabytes and Terawatts (slides); mrjob (for homework) Data Mining & Analysis HW12 - mrjob
Nov 28 Thanksgiving    
Dec 5 SQL Injection; XSS example Security HTTPS & Your Website Presentaion time signup (see Piazza)
Dec 12 Project Presentations   Project Code Due
Dec 19 -   Project Reports Due

Author: Jim Blomo

Created: 2014-12-04 Thu 22:46

Emacs 23.4.1 (Org mode 8.2.4)
