
Table of Contents

1 Analysis   slide

2 Overview   slide

  • What can you do with data?
  • How?

2.1 Details   notes

  • Types of models
  • Simple stats
  • MapReduce for homework

3 Overview   slide center


3.1 Overview   notes

  • A lot of what we've covered is between the client and the server
  • We've covered writing Javascript in the client
  • And some Python in the server
  • Now we're going to be talking about a separate set of machines (batch) that do these computations. The results are frequently stored back in the database, then served by the web/application server

4 Data Overview   slide center


4.1 DBs   notes

  • Data comes from log files and databases
  • gets stored in intermediate forms (sometimes)
  • gets processed by batch machines
  • then put back onto databases where they are read from appserver

5 Types of Models   slide animate

  • Recommenders
  • Classifiers
  • Regressions
  • Outliers

5.1 Some examples   notes

  • Question: how are models used in the real world?
  • Amazon or Netflix style recommendations based on prior history
  • Spam/Ham for email, also clustering and discovering classifications
  • Guessing the price of a house (Zillow or Redfin)
  • find anomalous transactions, eg. finding fraud for credit cards

5.2 Simple to Sophisticated   slide two_col


  • Thousands of ways to calculate a model
  • Combinatorially more ways to combine them
  • In technique, large amount of overlap between purpose

5.3 Survey   notes

  • ML and DM fields churn these models out
  • Newest methods combine multiple models (boosting & bagging)
  • If you want to learn more, we'll cover some of this in Data Mining
  • We're just going to go over the most well known model for each type
  • In general, this is the right way to approach it: start very simple, get sophisticated in order to correct for specific problems in your domain

6 Recommenders   slide animate

  • Popularity
  • Collaborative Filter

6.1 Simple   notes

  • For all of these, start simple
  • If I told you the homework was a recommender system, and you could make it as simple as you'd like, what technique would you use?
  • Amazon Personalization team: just recommend Harry Potter
  • Next step: Collaborative Filter
  • What do people who are similar to you like?

7 Popular   slide center


7.1 Collaborative Filter   slide two_col

  1. Find people similar you
  2. Find what they like
  3. Recommend new items to you
  1. Find items you've liked
  2. Find similar items to those
  3. Recommend new items to you

7.2 Details   notes

  • In general, challenge is being specific about words
  • What does it mean to be similar to you?
    • Bought the same stuff
    • Is a friend
    • Same demographic
  • What does it mean to be similar to an item?
    • Bought by same people
    • Same category
    • Similar description
      • What does it mean to have a similar description?

8 Classifiers   slide two_col animate


  • Spam/Ham decision
  • Existence of word (eg. Viagra)
  • Now what about V1agraa?
  • Naive Bayes classifier

8.1 Simple   notes

  • Again, what would you do right now?
  • Check for spammy words
  • How do you keep learning the words that are spammy?
  • Is "Russian" spammy? Maybe only for some people?

8.2 Naive Bayes   slide


  • Probability of spam given it contains Viagra (W)
  • Probability of spam * probability of that word given spam
  • Over probability of that word in either

8.3 Probabilities   notes

  • We're not going to say for sure spam or not, just calculate the probability
  • Learn that probability based on past examples
  • Intuition: if Viagra is always showing up in spammy mail, a new mail with Viagra is likely to be spam
  • Lots of logical problems with Naive Bayes, but in practice, works quite well

9 Definitions   slide

Group or type that an item belongs to
An extractable property of an item that may be useful in classification. aka Signal
True class or property of an item
Training Set
Items that have been labeled

9.1 Examples   notes

"contains word Viagra", "was purchased by Sally"
Clicking "Spam" button in Gmail
Training Set
All of the email you've clicked Spam/Not Spam

9.2 Housing Example   slide

Customer likes it or not
Price, city, square footage, # bed/bath
Like/Don't Like
Training Set
Houses customer has toured or bid

9.2.1 Setup   notes

  • Let's say you're Redfin trying to recommend a house to a customer
  • Customer likes it
  • Price, city, square footage, # bed/bath
  • Like/Don't Like
  • Houses customer has toured or bid

10 Regression Analysis   slide

  • Estimate the price of the house
  • Model the relationship of all the features to the outcome
  • In general, features are numbers, estimate is a number


10.1 Calculation   notes

  • In general want to minimize the space between the points and the line
  • Like in the case of Yelp reviews, may need different formulas to draw lines
  • Numbers in, number out
  • So "city" may not be a good feature for regression, but what could you replace it with?
    • Average price of home in city
  • And what would the training set be?

11 Calculation   slide

11.1 Switch Gears   notes

  • Let's talk about how models and analysis are done

12 Tools   slide

Matlab Python R SQL
Unix MySQL ReST scikit-learn
Single-Threaded Concurrent MapReduce

12.1 Details   notes

  • Languages are in alphabetical order. Real order depends on what you like, what you're doing, interfacing with, etc.
  • Unix tools like less wget head cut
  • scikit-learn machine learning Python library
  • Single-Threaded, what you're used to when running a single program
  • How do you split up a task, eg. extracting all of the features from items?
  • Concurrent programs trickier, many processes are happening at once. Track shared state.
  • MapReduce is what we'll focus on, widely used in industry, buys you a lot of scalability, structured way to think about a problem

13 MapReduce   slide

Extract a property to summarize over
Summarize all items with a particular propery
  • Simple: Each operation stateless

13.1 Reading   notes

  • Reading this week includes a video explaining MapReduce much more generally
  • This lecture will focus on it from a practical standpoint for homework
  • MapReduce's main benefits are for running over many machine, fault tolerance
  • But we'll just practice on one machine

13.2 Example   slide

  • URL Shortener
  • How many actions have we seen?
  • Redirects: 200, Saves: 40, Loads: 60

13.2.1 Details   notes

How many times have we expanded a short link to a long one?
How many times have we saved a new URL?
How many times have we just loaded the front page?
So first step in MapReduce is what?

13.3 Map   slide

Key, Value
Keys, Values

13.4 Map Example   slide

Input Key
Log line number
Input Value
Log line text
Output Key
Output Value
times this action has occurred on this line

13.4.1 Counts   notes

  • Log line number is not helpful in our specific case
  • Log line text: we hope it is machine readable so we can accurately extract the action
  • It has datetime, cookie, action, etc.
  • How many times has this action occurred? 1

13.5 Status?   slide

load            1
save            1
redirect        1
redirect        1
load            1
redirect        1
load            1
save            1
redirect        1

13.5.1 Middle Step   notes

  • From log lines, we've extracted the information out that we care about
  • The counts and the actions
  • Next step summarize
  • Next step after Map?

13.6 Reduce   slide

Key, Values
Keys, Values

13.6.1 Value*s*   notes

  • Note: The input is values! Plural
  • Because we get a key and all of its associated values
  • Remind me: what are we trying to get out of this computation?
  • So what do you think the output keys are?
  • Values?

13.7 Reduce Example   slide

Input Key
Input Values
Counts: [1,1,1,1]
Output Key
Output Value
Total Count

13.7.1 Details   notes

  • Action is one of load save redirect
  • To get total count, sum all of the counts

13.8 Example Output   slide

Output Key
Output Value
Total Count
"redirect"  4
"save"      2
"load"      3

14 Point?   slide

  • A lot of work for counting!
  • More complex calculations can be done this way, eg. PageRank
  • Stateless constraint means it can be used across thousands of computers

14.1 Details   notes

  • By only looking at keys and values, can optimize a lot of backend work
  • Where to send the results?
  • What to do when a computer fails? (Just restart failed part)

14.2 Implementation   slide

load            1
save            1
redirect        1
redirect        1
load            1
redirect        1
load            1
save            1
redirect        1

14.3 Intermediate   notes

  • This was the situation after map
  • Keys all jumbled
  • What Hadoop does is sort them and distribute them to computers

14.4 "Shuffle"   slide

load            1
load            1
load            1
redirect        1
redirect        1
redirect        1
redirect        1
save            1
save            1

14.5 Distribute   notes

  • Now it is easy to distribute, and can handle all the load at once

14.6 Inputs   slide

  • MapReduce distributes computing power by distributing input
  • Input is distributed by splitting on lines (records)
  • You cannot depend on lines being "together" in MapReduce

14.6.1 Splitting Files   notes

  • Image you have a lot of large log files, GB each
  • You'd like to let different machines work on the same file
  • Split file down the middle, well, at least on a newline
  • Enable two separate machines to work on the parts
  • You don't know what line came before this one
  • You don't know if you will process the next line
  • Only view is this line
  • Real life slightly more complicated, but mostly hacks around this

14.7 Incorrect Log Style   slide

  • URL Shortener logging"Handling request for " + cookie)
# find redirect
..."Redirecting to " + destination)
  • Ability to associate the redirect with the cookie?
    • eg. which cookie had the most redirects?

14.7.1 No!   notes

  • Must log everything on same line
  • One machine could have the "Handling request.." Another could have "Redirecting to…"
  • Collect it all, then log it

14.8 Correct Log Style   slide

  • Logging once
log_data['cookie'] = cookie
# find redirect
log_data['action'] = 'redirect'

Author: Jim Blomo

Created: 2014-11-21 Fri 01:32

Emacs 23.4.1 (Org mode 8.2.4)
