
Table of Contents

1 Data   slide

2 The Web is Used by Humans   slide two_col

  • Tool used to improve the lives of users
  • How to improve the tools we have?
  • Understand their use and their users


3 Understanding   slide

  • Collect
  • Interperate
  • Understand

3.1 Path to Understanding   notes

  • Collect data on the tool's usage: what features are used, what time of day, for what purpose?
  • Collect data on the user: ultimate goal, knowledge of problem space
  • Find patterns, develop a story
  • Have a mental model of who your users are and why they are using your tool
  • This is the way the brain works in general: build a mental model of the world around you so you can anticipate how things will work out

4 Big Data   slide

  • Never easier to collect data
  • Advanced analytics tools available
  • Financial incentives for understanding


4.1 Modern World   notes

  • Positive feedback: more people use web tools, more data we collect, better understand them, better tools, more people use the tools
  • Always need to keep in mind user's end goal though (hint: it is not using your product)
  • Big Data means doing this a lot
  • Netflix prize: $1MM for 10% improvement

5 Terminology   slide

Raw facts, represented in some way
Interperated data with meaning
Information used to achieve some purpose

5.1 Philosiphical   notes

  • General idea is that there are different levels of abstraction for these concepts
  • No hard boundaries

5.2 Phonographic Records   slide two_col

Grooves in the record material
Sound heard by a human
Enjoyment of a song


5.3 Notes   notes

5.4 Web logs   slide

Records of visits to a web page
Summary of user behavior
Understanding shortcoming in a product

5.5 Storage   notes

  • Data is just 1s 0s on a digital machine
  • At a slightly higher level, data is still just characters in a file
  • Meaning extracted by a human, to get a bigger picture
  • Knowledge is having that mental model of typical user behavior and applying it to a purpose
  • Similarity to 5 Whys?

6 Web Frontier   slide

  • Web particularly well suited to analysis
  • Easiest to instrument
  • Already requires high technology

6.1 Alternatives   notes

  • Medicine, global warming, education may be more "worthy"
  • Because you must interact with central server, each interaction can be logged
  • How do you log health history? How many cigarets are being smoked? How many hours of exercise happen?
  • Already have programmers building the website, now can put them to use building analysis tools or data infrastructure

7 Taxonomy of Data Science   slide two_col

  • Obtain
  • Scrub
  • Explore
  • Model
  • iNterpret


7.1 Mason & Wiggins   notes

  • Reading in which Hilary Mason and Chris Wiggens explain their interpretation of data science
  • These are not absolute steps
  • When I taught Data Mining last semester, the book had a different set of steps
  • Mason Chief Scientist at, many good talks
  • image source:

8 Obtain   slide

  • Where to get the data?
  • Services
  • Datasets

8.1 Examples   notes

  • Even for web, what do you do with the logs across many web servers?
  • How to translate data in logs to information?
  • Services eg: github
  • Dataset eg: homework (microsoft weblogs)

8.2 Common Log Format   slide user-identifier frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] ...
    "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326
  • host ident authuser date
  • request status bytes
  • What are the trade-offs with this format?

8.3 JSON Alternative   slide user-identifier frank [10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700] ...
    "GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 2326
{'host': '',
 'ident': 'user-identifier',
 'authuser': 'frank',
 'date': '10/Oct/2000:13:55:36 -0700',
 'request': 'GET /apache_pb.gif HTTP/1.0',
 'status': 200,
 'bytes': 2326}

8.3.1 Trade-offs   notes

  • Developed at a time when logs were used operationally
  • "Easy" to parse, but not standardized with other areas
  • Hard to extend customize

9 Scrub   slide

  • Reconcile inconsistencies:
    • Webserver has the wrong time
    • Determine type of page
    • Changed logging method

9.1 Consistency   notes

  • Make sure all activity happening in correct time zone
  • If a server had the wrong internal time, add error to logs
  • Bug in timezone handling
  • Hypothertically interested in learning the type of resource downloaded
    • 'gif|png|jpg' => image
    • 'pdf|doc|xls' => document
  • used to encode encrypted user\id, now decrypted
  • even different teams might log user\id in different ways

10 Explore   slide two_col

  • Don't under estimate scrolling through data
  • Start simple: scatter plots, histograms
  • Find correlations


10.1 Viewpoints   notes

  • An example program that can plot multi-dimensional records
  • But don't do this advanced stuff first!
  • Just take a look at the data, get a feel for all the variables
    • Are mostly bots hitting your page?
    • What are the unusual patterns?

11 Models   slide two_col

  • Mathimatical description of a phenomena
  • Main focus of Machine Learning (to some extent Data Mining)
  • Generally, best models are most accurate


11.1 Example   notes

  • Take the rate of reviews
  • How do you mathmatically describe the behavior?
  • image source: Yelp Factsheet

11.2 Lines   slide


  • How well does this fit the data?

11.2.1 Equation   notes

  • How to express mathmatically?
  • y = mx + b

11.3 Exponential   slide


  • Fit better? How far do we go?

11.3.1 Equation   notes

  • How to express mathmatically?
  • y = mx2 + b

11.4 Coin Flip   slide


  • Coin flips modeled as binomial distribution

11.6 Classification Model   slide


  • Which of these lines best separates the data?

11.6.1 Model   notes

  • Model for how data is distributed into groups, or classes

12 Interpret   slide

  • Business model is working
  • What to bet on a coin flip
  • The characteristics of successful customers

12.1 Apply the information to your domain   notes

  • Will you run out of money?
  • What's the likelyhood a customer will stay with you next year?

13 Analyzing the Real World   slide

  • How would you gain knowledge of rain forest data?
  • Obtain
  • Scrub
  • Explore
  • Model
  • Interpret

13.1 Steps   notes

  • Place temperature recorders all over
  • Try to normalize by how long they were in the sun, or an animal sat on them
  • Just scroll through temperatures for a day, then plot on a map
  • Develop estimates on daily temperature (perhaps double sin wave?)
  • Temperature fluxuates less in some areas that are associated with a plant

Author: Jim Blomo

Created: 2014-11-21 Fri 01:32

Emacs 23.4.1 (Org mode 8.2.4)
