
Table of Contents

1 Announcements   slide

  • Waitlist has been accepted
    • If you're not in the class, email or private Piazza
  • HW1 graded
    • If you haven't seen the grade, email or private Piazza
  • HW2: make sure you included a public URL

1.1 Questions   notes

  • Examples of semantic vs. display tags?
  • Why is the id attribute special?
  • How to use class attribute in CSS?
  • What types of CSS styles to elements inherit?
  • Can multiple CSS declarations affect a single element?
  • What is the DOM?

2 Forms   slide

3 Forms are everywhere   slide center


3.1 Common   notes

  • Besides HypterText links, forms are the most common way to communicate back to the server
  • There's many obvious forms, text areas, but often forms are integrated into the page transparently

4 Forms + JavaScript = Interactive   slide center


4.1 Interfaces   notes

  • Most advanced interfaces you see on the web are a combination of forms and Javascript
  • Forms are the base, what you build on. They contain the core mechanism for input and standard way to transfer input to the server
  • Javascript provides the interaction
  • Eg. you can type anything into the textbox, but the Javascript can help you suggest what you want filled

5 Forms are HTML   slide two_col

  • Declarative
  • Standardized
  • Semantic
  • Styled


5.1 Don't forget!   notes

6 Display vs Meaning   slide two_col



6.1 Difference   notes

7 form tag   slide

  • Groups all inputs
  • Declares how the inputs will be sent to the server
  • Typically has no default style
<form method="POST">
  <h1>More HTML</h1>
  <input ...>

7.1 More later   notes

  • I can't introduce the HTML for forms without starting with the form tag
  • BUT it will make more sense after we've talked about other elements
  • All of the next elements typically appear inside the form tag so the browser knows what to do with the data
  • You don't typically "see" the form tag (though you can style it)

8 input tag   slide

  • Signals we'd like to get data from the user
  • What type of data?
  • type attribute

8.1 input   notes

  • Most of the exploration of inputs will be variations on the type attribute

9 text input type   slide

  <input type="text">

9.1 input details   notes

  • No closing tag needed: it is the whole input
  • Contained inside the form element. Rest of the examples we'll skip for simplicity
  • not specifying how to interact with it, how big it is, etc.

10 submit type   slide

<input type="submit" value="Send Data">

10.1 meaning   notes

  • The submit input type signals the mechanism for sending the form to the server
  • By default most browsers render as a button, but you can style it differently or a browser may choose a different default

11 checkbox type   slide

<input type="checkbox" value="enrolled" checked>

11.1 attribute   notes

  • Example of an attribute without a value
  • value for checkboxes (and radio) is the value to send to the server if the box is checked
  • But now we have a UI problem: how do users know what the checkbox means?

12 Meaning: Solutions?   slide animate

  • How to convey input meaning?
  • Just add text next to the box
  • Add an attribute to the tag
  • Add text in a <span> or <p>
  • Add text in a <label> element that "references" the input

12.1 Issues   notes

  • Add text: semantic meaning unclear, how do we know what it refers to? Hard to style
  • Attribute: hard to style
  • span: unknown why it is there
  • label element used
  • how to reference another element specifically?

13 checkbox type   slide

<input type="checkbox" value="enrolled" id="check-enrolled" checked>
<label for="check-enrolled">Enrolled?</label>

13.1 attribute   notes

  • Can also put the input inside the label

14 radio type   slide

<label>Bear <input type="radio" name="mascot" value="bear"></label>
<label>Cardinal <input type="radio" name="mascot" value="cardinal"></label>

14.1 Radio   slide center


15 select type   slide

<label for="state">State:</label>
<select name="state" id="state">
  <option value="CA">CA</option>
  <option value="OR">OR</option>
  <option value="NY">NY</option>

15.1 UI Differences   slide center


15.2 Declarative   notes

  • Again, we didn't specify how to implement this so browsers are free to experiment

16 hidden type   slide

<input type="hidden" name="page" value="2">


16.1 Hidden   notes

17 HTML5 types   slide

  • color, tel, email, datetime
  • Not supported on all browsers

18 form   slide

<form method="POST" action="">
  <input type="text" name="first-name" value="Jim">
  <label>Berkeley <input type="checkbox" name="berkeley"></label>
  <input type="submit" value="Confirm">

18.1 This week   notes

  • Next week more focus on what method and action do
  • In short: method how to encode the data to the server
  • action what URL to send the data to
  • This week, we'll only use Javascript on static pages to access the data
  • TODO check online demo

19 Form Design   slide

  • Goal: Make it easy to provide information
  • Use the appropriate input elements
  • Use CSS to style elements to better set context

19.1 Notes   notes

  • Clear labeling, expected ordering of information
  • Keep in mind international uses
    • Not all users have a Western first/last name
    • Not all users have a US zip code
  • Semantic meaning helps improve usability (eg. form autocompletion plugins)
  • Though you can over ride in some cases

20 Yelp Stars   slide


Berkeley on Yelp

21 Purchasing   slide center


21.1 Context   notes

  • Setting context by making the credit card form look like a credit card

22 Overview   slide center


22.1 Loop   notes

  • Start with HTML
  • Interact with forms
  • Send to server
  • Server processes it, sends back more HTML
  • Interact with forms…

23 Improvements   slide two_col

  • Give users immediate feedback
  • Catch simple errors
  • Provide help in forms


23.1 Examples   notes

  • Has a user not typed in enough information? Too much? Provide instant feedback without hitting server
  • If a user has incorrectly filled out a form, don't even let them submit yet, call attention to the problem
  • Autocomplete, or filling in city/state/country when user fills in zip code

24 Javascript!   slide

  • Write imperative style code specific to your site
  • No interaction with a server required
  • Run by the browser

24.1 ECMA   notes

  • European Computer Manufacturers Association
  • ECMAscript

25 Libraries   slide

  • Raw Javascript support is inconsistent
  • Libraries hide differences between browsers, implementations
  • In class, jQuery is OK to use

25.1 Not required   notes

  • jQuery is not required
  • For professional work, important to know how details are implemented

26 Break   slide

Author: Jim Blomo

Created: 2014-09-12 Fri 00:07

Emacs 23.4.1 (Org mode 8.0.6)

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