Table of Contents

1 Announcements   slide

  • Piazza: Great place to post questions
  • Do not merge Pull Requests, instructors will close after grading
  • Want tutoring? Keien Ohta

1.1 Review Questions   notes

  • What is composability?
  • Why is HTML composable?
  • Why would you not want a composable system?
  • What's another example of a HyperText language?
  • What's the difference between a Language and a Protocol?
  • What are examples of Protocols used by the Internet?
  • What does a browser do?

2 HTML HyperText Markup Language   slide

3 What is HyperText   slide

3.1 Answer   notes

  • Text with references to other text

4 Let's start simple   slide

  • Text
  • with links
This college is

4.1 What about headers?   slide

  • We can add "stars" to the beginning of sections
* Main Header
Important stuff in this

** This is a "level 2" header
Info supporting main section,
specific to this subsection...

4.2 Bold? Italics?   slide

  • "earmuffs" "goal posts"
*important stuff* /foreign phrases/

5 What is hard to encode in this scheme?   slide animate

  • &color&
  • | tables |
  • /*nested/*
  • fonts?
  • Normal use of characters? 2 * 3 * 4 = 24

5.1 Difficult   notes

  • Color
  • Columns (sidebars)
  • Nested formatting
  • Fonts

6 Why Text?   slide

  • Computers store streams of bits
  • Hard for a person to read
  • Instead, store streams of characters
  • Lowest level, most flexible format that can be easily understood

6.1 Alternatives?   notes

  • Word is WYSIWYG, but how is it stored on disk?
  • bits aren't blue, red, bigger, smaller
  • styling is stored with bytes
  • What if you wanted to peer into the file, understand why something didn't look the right color? Humans can't read bytes easily
  • Store in text: easier to understand an manipulate

7 Raw Bytes   slide

  • Some formats store raw bytes
00449e0: 0304 2112 3141 0551 1361 2206 7181 9132  ..!.1A.Q.a".q..2
00449f0: a1b1 f014 c1d1 e123 4215 5262 72f1 3324  .......#B.Rbr.3$
0044a00: 3443 8216 9253 25a2 63b2 c207 73d2 35e2  4C...S%.c...s.5.
0044a10: 4483 1754 9308 090a 1819 2636 451a 2764  D..T......&6E.'d
0044a20: 7455 37f2 a3b3 c328 29d3 e3f3 8494 a4b4  tU7....().......
0044a30: c4d4 e4f4 6575 8595 a5b5 c5d5 e5f5 4656

7.1 Difficulties   notes

  • Early days of computing, lucky to have an editor period
  • So raw data had to be easy for a human to manipulate and code against
  • Still dominant format for code, dont' want to be limited by your editor (eg. Word)
  • Sometimes exactly formating a page is more imporant than generating it, modifying it, etc. Still a place for PDF/Word, but not a good fit for an open, composible data format

8 Take a step back   slide

  • Instead of thinking up clever characters to emulate, be explicit
  • THIS IS BOLD: "hello"
  • THIS IS ITALIC: "world"

8.1 HTML   notes

  • So: for the WWW we want text based format, that is flexible yet understandable

9 Markup   slide

  • annotation to existing text

10 Tags (Elements)   slide

  • tags wrapped in angle brackets
  • enclose affected text
  • have semantic meaning
  • can nest

10.1 Terminology   notes

the text marker that wraps text. Think opening and closing tags.
The logical item denoted by the tags. Think of the entity in a DOM

11 A story   slide


  • Lynx

11.1 A long, long time ago   notes

  • Author of Lynx was wondering what features his text-only browser would share with the next gen browsers
  • Almost the only thing was the ability to blink
  • Big Joke: a blink tag
  • Come next morning there it was
  • Then the advertisers got a hold of it

12 The Blink Tag   slide

  • "simply evil" - Jakob Nielson
  • "please make it stop" - everyone, everywhere


13 Semantic Meaning   slide

  • blink tag also violates semantic rule
  • Tags should contain semantic meaning, not presentation
  • Improves accessibility
  • Clear line between HTML and CSS

14 Bad Examples   slide

  • <font> <center> <i>
  • Why?

15 Good Examples   slide

  • <span> <strong> <em>
  • client can style these however it chooses (with help from CSS)

16 XHTML → HTML4.01 → HTML5   slide

  • Use "HTML5" and check if your target browsers support it
  • Convoluted history
  • XML: eXtensible Markup Language

16.1 XML   notes

  • XML also a markup language
  • Designed to carry data and be extensible
  • Had very rigorous requirements designed to make it easy to parse by machines
  • ended up being very heavyweight for human use
  • and we don't want much extensibility with HTML anyway

17 Convoluted History   slide two_col

reformed hippies
fresh start
Eh, too hard. Let's be hipsters instead!


17.1 Explanation   notes

hippies, anything goes! blink tag, font tag, very mixed browser support
reformed hippies, this is too crazy, bring in XML verboseness. Very strict about what tags could be closed, used, etc
fresh start, break compatibility… but never completed
hipsters, learned from their parents, but focused on looking cool. Support for crazy new features (canvas for drawing graphics), but stayed semantic, runs on mobile

18 Who decides this stuff?   slide

  • World Wide Web Consortium
  • Authority on standards
  • Ideas are often tried in browsers, then suggested as standards, then accepted
  • Can be a multi-year process

18.1 HTML5 still not done   notes

  • HTML5 is a "candidate recommendation", meaning they still may update it, but probably won't remove any features

19 How?   slide

  • Committees!
  • Recommendations
  • Request For Comments (RFC)
Request for Comments on Request for Comments

Instructions to RFC Authors

Status of this Memo

   This RFC specifies a standard for the Internet community.  Authors of
   RFCs are expected to adopt and implement this standard.  Distribution
   of this memo is unlimited.

19.1 Phases   notes

  • HTML typically goes through W3 process: Working Draft, Candidate Recommendation (feedback from implementers), Proposed Rec (submitted), W3C Rec (fully out as a standard)
  • Internet technologies (Internet Engineering Task Force) typically use RFC process: send out a proposal for peer review, some get accepted

20 Request For Comments   slide two_col


21 Start Simple   slide

Hello World
Hello World

21.1 Not complete   notes

  • Won't validate as a complete HTML document, but it is a valid HTML snippet

22 Add a Section Header   slide

<h2>This is my header</h2>
Hello World

This is my header

Hello World
  • h1 is more important
  • h6 least

22.1 What's the more important tag for HTML?   notes

  • Clue: HyperText

23 Link Tag (a)   slide

<h2>This is my header</h2>
<a href="">Yelp</a>

This is my header

  • anchor tag
  • hypertext reference attribute (href)

24 Attributes   slide

  • HTML elements can have attributes
  • Attributes provide additional information about an element
  • Attributes are always specified in the start tag
  • Attributes come in name/value pairs like: name="value"

25 Tables Have Nested Tags   slide

                <th>First Name</th>
                <th>Last Name</th>

                <td>Web Architecture</td>

First Name Last Name Class
Jim Blomo Web Architecture

25.1 DOM Tree   slide


26 Draw a Tree   slide

        <li><a href="">Yelp</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Wikipedia</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Google</a></li>
  1. Yelp
  2. Wikipedia
  3. Google

26.1 Tree   notes


27 Bullets   slide

  • How do you write multiple layers of bullets?
  • (Laptops are OK)

27.1 Unordered List   notes

        <li>sub item</li>
  • item
    • sub item

28 Head / Body   slide

  • So far we've been looking at the "body" of a document
  • Main section which contains page information
  • Head contains meta information

29 Don't loose your head   slide

<!DOCTYPE html>
                <title>My First HTML</title>
                <meta name="author" content="Jim Blomo">
                <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
                Main Content
  • Title shows up title bar of browser
  • meta tags convey general information
    • Don't need to be "closed"

30 HTML Version:slide:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  • Tells browser how to interperate the rest of the HTML
  • html means HTML5
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
  • Referencing DTDs a sign of "stricter"/XML versions of HTML

31 How do you load CSS?   slide

        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="production/bootstrap.min.css">
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="production/common.css">
        <link href="|Yanone+Kaffeesatz:700|Open+Sans" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  • Browser will download these references and use them for display
  • CSS link tags should appear in head
  • script tags can appear in body

31.1 Placement of tags   notes

  • This is how you load CSS! No link tags, no style.
  • In a future lesson, we'll talk about optimizing page load times by being careful about when and how we load these resources

32 Why Head?   slide

  • Semantic meaning
  • Title bar
  • Search engines

33 Summary   slide

  • HTML provides a way to annotate text to convey semantic meaning or grouping
  • Browser displays tags in standard ways
  • Tags are named, can contain attributes, can be nested

Author: Jim Blomo

Created: 2014-09-04 Thu 22:22

Emacs 23.4.1 (Org mode 8.0.6)

Validate XHTML 1.0