Table of Contents

1 URIs and HTTP   slide

1.1 Questions   notes

  • What is the first part of a CSS rule?
  • How are the selectors and DOM related?
  • How are the DOM and Javascript related?
  • What does href in the anchor tag mean?
  • How are animations accomplished with Javascript?

2 URI   slide

3 URI - URL - URN   slide

Identifies some resource (eg. person or file)
Specifies the Location of an identifier
Specifies the Name of an identifier

3.1 Use in Industry   notes

  • URL used day-to-day
  • URL technically a type of URI
  • URL provides both an identifier and a way to locate it (eg. protocol and


  • URN almost never used in the web, though seeing some pickup on mobile (eg.


4 Resource   slide

  • Any concept you can name or identify
  • So far, typically files
  • Also generated pages, like a user profile

4.1 Notes   notes

  • "Resource" something we'll cover more in depth, but for the common case it is a file
  • Technically any concept you can "name" or "identify" is a resource

5 Components   slide

5.1 Scheme   slide

  • specifies how the rest of the URI is laid out
  • Typically protocols

5.2 What are examples of Protocols?   notes

  • http(s)
  • git
  • mailto

5.3 Hierarchical   slide

  • "Directions" to the resource through hosts and folders

5.4 Domain / Hostname   slide

  • "Site" or machine name

5.4.1 Preview   notes

  • Later we'll talk about how the browser connection to the machine
  • Does the hostname include "http"? Why not?

5.5 Path   slide

  • Similar to directories, but not necessarily linked!
  • Groups common resources together

5.5.1 Paths and Directories   notes

  • On the command line we've used directories
  • For ISchool HW, we've seen that paths reflect the underlying directories
  • But it doesn't have to be the case, as we'll see in the next lecture

5.6 Query (Optional)   slide

  • Starts with ?
  • key=value pairs, delimited by &

5.7 Port   slide

  • Specifies a port number to connect to
  • Ports are like doorways to a server
  • Common ports: 80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS

5.7.1 Ports covered later   notes

  • We'll cover ports in more detail later in the class
  • Used to accept incoming connections
  • Different servers can run on different ports
  • Gave away Yelp interview question

5.8 Fragment   slide


5.9 Whole Enchilada   slide

  \_/   \_______________/ \_________/ \__/            \___/ \_/ \______________________/ \__/
   |           |               |       |                |    |            |                |
   |       userinfo         hostname  port              |    |          query          fragment
   |    \________________________________/\_____________|____|/ \__/        \__/
   |                    |                          |    |    |    |          |
scheme              authority                    path   |    |    interpretable as keys
 name   \_______________________________________________|____|/       \____/     \_____/
   |                         |                          |    |          |           |
   |                 hierarchical part                  |    |    interpretable as values
   |                                                    |    |
   |            path               interpretable as filename |
   |   ___________|____________                              |
  / \ /                        \                             |
  urn:example:animal:ferret:nose               interpretable as extension

  name  userinfo  hostname       query
  _|__   ___|__   ____|____   _____|_____
 /    \ /      \ /         \ /           \

6 Files   slide

  • Chunks of data
  • Typically filename.ext, but not required
  • An extension only hints at file contents, but does not determine it

6.1 Defining file types   notes

  • We've been dealing with .html files so far, what are other types of files?
  • What determines a filetype?

7 Directories (Folders)   slide

  • Group together files

7.1 Graphical View Directories   slide


7.2 Command Line Interface Directories   slide


7.3 Delimiters   slide

  • They are specified with a character
  • / on Unix & Apple, \ on Windows
  • A starting / specifies an "absolute" path

7.4 Path types   notes

Specified from the "root" directory. Doesn't matter which directory you're currently in.
Directory name is contained in your current directory

8 Don't do this at home   slide

  • People on the Internet are mean
  • rm -rf /
  • Most computers have protections against this

8.1 Password   slide

<Cthon98> hey, if you type in your pw, it will show as stars
<Cthon98> ********* see!
<AzureDiamond> hunter2
<AzureDiamond> doesnt look like stars to me
<Cthon98> <AzureDiamond> *******
<Cthon98> thats what I see
<AzureDiamond> oh, really?
<Cthon98> Absolutely
<AzureDiamond> you can go hunter2 my hunter2-ing hunter2
<AzureDiamond> haha, does that look funny to you?
<Cthon98> lol, yes. See, when YOU type hunter2, it shows to us as *******
<AzureDiamond> thats neat, I didnt know IRC did that
<Cthon98> yep, no matter how many times you type hunter2, it will show to us as *******
<AzureDiamond> awesome!
<AzureDiamond> wait, how do you know my pw?
<Cthon98> er, I just copy pasted YOUR ******'s and it appears to YOU as hunter2 cause its your pw
<AzureDiamond> oh, ok.

9 Resource   slide

  • Any concept you can name or identify
  • Typically files
  • Also generated pages, like a user profile

9.1 Again   notes

  • Logical set of data
  • To interact with a concept we need to make it real, or have representation of it

10 URI, Resource, Representation   slide


10.1 discussion   notes

  • next slide details

11 Representations   slide

  • Exact data that is transfered to client
  • Resources are abstract, Representations concrete
  • Example: User resource delivered as HTML or JSON
  • Example: Class emails delivered as HTML or Excel

11.1 Requesting Representations   notes

  • We'll go over how browsers can request the different representations

12 One Resource per Logical Dataset   slide

  • Example: Class emails delivered as HTML or Excel
  • Sometimes you'll see this as different URLs
  • Technically incorrect (like the font tag)

12.1 URLs   notes

13 Review   slide

  • URIs identify a resource
  • Resources have a representation
  • Representations can be fetched with HTTP
  • Why are URLs so important for HyperText?

13.1 Let's review   notes

  • going over some questions
  • We need some way to "link" to another resource! Can't just say "The teacher's slides" which teacher are you talking about? When two people say that in difference classes, are they referring to the same thing?
  • Same thing with APIs: {id: 242421}. ID of what? a tweet? review? how do I access it?
  • URIs allow us to consistently refer to resources
  • Not only that, but a UR L specifically instructs the browser on how to get a representation of the resource.

14 HyperText Transfer Protocol   slide

  • A system for interacting with representations of resources
  • Text based protocol, running on a network connection
  • You can interact with a web server by hand!

14.1 Details   notes

  • TCP is the network layer, which we'll study later
  • Basically guarantees that the data we send will either get to the computer or we'll get an error
  • Text means you can write out the protocol with your keyboard

15 Demo   slide

telnet 80
GET /~jblomo/webarch2014/ HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 06:29:22 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Fedora)
Last-Modified: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 06:28:44 GMT
ETag: "b7f00d0-a5-4e6cac83bff00"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 165
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>Jim's Page</title>
	<p>Hello class! This is a tiny HTML page.</p>

15.1 HW   notes

  • HW sneak peek

16 Network   slide center


16.1 Reliable   notes

  • telnet is somehow transferring our keystrokes to another machine…
  • Magic! For now. We just assume that what we type gets there, will learn how in a later course

17 Interaction   slide

  • GET used in the example to retrieve a representation
  • Use a specific, understood set of semantic keywords
  • Types of interactions called methods

17.1 Question   notes

  • What resource was it getting?
  • What does this remind you of? (HTML)
  • Use one method per request

18 Request Methods   slide

Retrieve representation without modifying resource
Send a representation to a specific resource
Retrieve the metadata without modifying resource
Remove a resource
Send a representation for a new or resource or sub-resource

18.1 Use IRL   notes

used almost everywhere
used increasingly by APIs, still limited browser support. Typically will save the representation (eg. in a database)
sometimes used for efficiency
used increasingly by APIs, still limited browser support
used anytime you want to send data

19 Review   slide

  • What did we use in the demo?
  • What should we use to create a new user?
  • What should we use to update a specific a user's info?
  • What should we use to discover if a user is registered, but not fetch all their data?

19.1 Answers   notes

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT
  • HEAD

20 HTTP version   slide

  • 1.1 used for interacting with customers
  • 1.0 used in data center for some architectures
  • End users don't choose

20.1 Flask   notes

  • Refer back to Demo
  • Flask will use 1.0: it will end the connection on each request
  • We will go into the differences in another lecture

21 Headers   slide

  • Provide Metadata about the request
  • Host inform the server which service to request resource from
  • Multiple "hosts" can be served from one web server

21.1 Example   notes

  • refer to demo
  • and could be served off same physical server
  • Host header tells the server which we want
  • Metadata… remind you of anything? (HTML)

22 To the Server!   slide

  • We'll pick up on the server side to get more details

Author: Jim Blomo

Created: 2014-09-18 Thu 23:06

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