Table of Contents

1 HW1: Explore Browsers   slide

  • Setup GitHub account
  • Try out different browsers
  • Submit assignment via GitHub

2 What is git?   slide

  • Revision control software
  • Manage versions, changes
  • Collaborate with others

3 Why GitHub?   slide

  • git tool is standard in industry
  • GitHub provides best tools for sharing, commenting code
  • This assignment will not have code, just practice submitting

3.1 Don't sweat   notes

  • In the future, if you're having trouble with git or GitHub, you may submit the assignment by email
  • I think introducing you to git is useful, but it is not something I'm grading on, so I don't want it to affect your grade

4 Setup GitHub account   slide

5 Setup git repository on ischool server   slide

  • On the server ischool.berkeley.edu
  • Replace with your name/email
$ git config --global user.name Jim Blomo
$ git config --global user.email jblomo@ischool.berkeley.edu
$ git config --global push.default current
$ git clone git://github.com/jblomo/webarch253.git webarch2014
  • On the server, in the webarch2014 directory run
$ git remote rename origin jblomo

6 Git Concepts   slide

make a copy of another repository
create an "alternate universe" to do an assignment
swtich to a given branch
mark file to be committed
checkpoint the current state of the universe
make your code publicly available
Pull Request
submit assingment on GitHub

7 Walk through   slide

  • demo

7.1 Notes   notes

  • clone my repository
  • branch, Start working on next week's slides
  • add and commit the change, no spell check yet
  • oh no! Molly found a mistake in this week's slides
  • Normally, I'd have to save a the file I was working on, but make sure not to publish it yet, and work on another file. lots of versioned directories would ensue
  • git lets you use one directory, but has the concept of branches
  • checkout back to published version - master branch
  • create a branch to make fix
  • push to github
  • Pull Reqest
  • now go back to next week's slides and spell check
  • add, commit
  • push to github
  • Pull Request

8 Git Concepts   slide

make a copy of another repository
create an "alternate universe" to do an assignment
swtich to a given branch
the "main" branch
mark file to be committed
checkpoint the current state of the universe
make your code publicly available
Pull Request
submit assingment on GitHub

9 Git vs Directories   slide

  • Keeps a history of changes
  • Less space
  • Advanced features

9.1 Specifics   notes

  • Git repository is in one directory. Files in that directory will change when you run git checkout
  • changes: so you're not just relying on your crazy naming scheme for directories. Know what when why
  • git only stores differences between branches
  • merging, reverting, comparing differences, tagging, syncing

10 Git vs GitHub   slide

  • jblomo's GitHub: homework code & slides
  • Directory on ischool: work and commit/snapshot
  • GitHub published copy
  • GitHub Pull Request: homework submission

10.1 Don't merge   notes

  • During this class, you will almost never have to merge. Exception could be when working in groups on a Project

11 Git vs GitHub   slide


12 Connect it to GitHub   slide

  • After you recieve your free micro account on GitHub, create a private empty repository called webarch2014
  • It will provide you with an SSH git path, let's call it PATH
  • You must use the SSH PATH starting with git@
  • On the server, in the webarch2014 directory, run
$ git remote add origin git@...(PATH)
$ git push origin master

12.1 Push Failures   notes

  • If you see an error about authorization failure, it is possible you do not have the SSH keys availabile
  • This can happen if you generated the keys on your laptop, but are trying to push from ischool
  • A solution is to copy the keys to ischool: scp ~/.ssh/id* USERNAME@ischool.berkeley.edu:.ssh/

13 Share with us   slide

  • Hopefully you now have a private copy of my repository
  • Add Molly and me (users: mollycr, jblomo) as a contributor to your private repository

14 Submit Homework   slide

  • On the ischool server, create a branch called hw1-browsers
  • Create a text file to write the solution, a simple editor to use is pico
  • git add the file
  • git commit the change
  • git push origin to put it on GitHub
  • on github, submit a "pull request" from the hw1-browsers branch to your master branch

14.1 Pull Requests   notes

  • Pull requests are a way of showing updates in a way that lets me provide comments, get notifications
  • This is the first time I've tried it for class, so you're on the cutting edge. Hopefully it will work, give me feedback if it is not

15 Going Forward   slide

  • Other homework assignments will be completing code
  • General work-flow:
    • Sync with my repository
    • Start a new branch
    • Add required files
    • push to GitHub
    • Submit Pull Request

16 Demo   slide

16.1 Commands   notes

git clone git://github.com/jblomo/webarch253.git webarch2014
cd webarch2014

16.1.1 For every new homework:

git checkout -b hw1-browsers master
echo Jim Blomo > $USER.txt
git add $USER.txt
git commit -m "my first homework"
git push origin

17 Homework 1   slide

  • pico $USER.txt
  • Write two paragraphs:
    1. Your experience with web archtecture. Have you written HTML before? Written Javascript? etc.
    2. What are your favorite features from at least 2 browsers?
  • Reading:

Author: Jim Blomo

Created: 2014-08-29 Fri 10:30

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