Table of Contents

1 HW2 - Personal Site   slide

  • Write HTML for a personal page
  • Write CSS to style it
  • Test it (validate, browser test)

2 HTML   slide

  • Required elements:
    • html
    • title
    • head
    • link
    • body
    • div
    • a
    • ul/ol
    • li
    • img
    • p
    • h1/h2/h3/h4
    • <!-- comments -->

3 CSS   slide

  • More than 1 CSS file
  • Styles that "cascade", ie some element whose style is affected by more than 1 declaration
  • 1 or more use of inline CSS
  • Semantic use of class, id attributes
  • / * comments * /

4 Testing   slide

5 Pull Request   slide

  • Should have all the files
  • In the description, include which browsers you tested with, including versions
  • The URL to your page

6 public_html   slide

  • Make your page public
cd ~/public_html
ln -s ../webarch2014/public_html webarch2014
# makes your repository publicly available
cd ~/webarch2014 # go back into repository
git checkout master
git pull jblomo
git checkout -b hw2-html
pico public_html/index.html   # make your changes

7 Extra Credit   slide

  • Create an additional page with Bootstrap
  • Use at least 1 Component
  • Extra credit applies up to full credit on a particular assignment

7.1 Motivation   notes

  • Main motivation is for those looking to become web developers, what can you do to set yourself apart?
  • Will make up for mistakes in the main assignment
  • Amount of extra credit given will depend on assignment, effort, and will be at instructor's discretion

Author: Jim Blomo

Created: 2014-09-04 Thu 22:45

Emacs 23.4.1 (Org mode 8.0.6)

Validate XHTML 1.0