Table of Contents

1 HW6: Use DNS tools   slide

  • Use host and traceroute commands
  • Manually do DNS lookups
  • Understand routes

2 Questions   slide

  1. What series of IPs would a recursive DNS server use to find the address of m.yelp.com?
  2. What are the IP addresses of m.yelp.com?
  3. Do IP packets leave the Berkeley network when traveling to amplab.cs.berkeley.edu from harbinger.ischool.berkeley.ede? Include the command and output.

3 HW   slide

  • Text file with answers
  • Don't forget projects!

Author: Jim Blomo

Created: 2014-10-10 Fri 08:19

Emacs 23.4.1 (Org mode 8.0.6)

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