
Table of Contents

1 Javascript   slide

2 General Purpose   slide

  • Javascript full programming language
  • Started in the browser
  • Now used on servers, command line, devices…

2.1 Spread of Javascript   notes

  • If it can be written in JS, it will be
  • Very lightweight language, lots of reach

3 Limited   slide

  • Manipulate the DOM
  • Validate form values
  • Make asynchronous web requests (AJAX)

3.1 This lecture   notes

  • We'll just scratch the surface to get a sense of what's possible
  • Basics: adding elements and information to the DOM
  • Checking values
  • Understand asynchronous calling
  • Focusing on what makes Javascript unique for the web

4 Console   slide two_col


  • Firebug or Chrome Tools run Javascript
  • Easiest way to play with language
  • console.log can print to the log from anywhere

4.1 Demo   notes

  • Open Chrome Tools, setting variable
  • document.getElementsByTagName('IMG')
  • assign to variable
  • for( var i=0; i<imgTags.length; i++) {console.log(imgTags[i].src);}

5 jsFiddle   slide center


  • Write and run HTML, CSS, Javascript

6 Variables   slide

  • Declare with var to scope correctly
  • Weak, dynamic typing
var a = 3;
var b = 5;
var c = a + b;

6.1 Typing   notes

  • What is c?
  • Don't worry too much
  • Means you can assign whatever you want to a variable name
  • Different types can be combined… Javascript tries to do the right thing, but it can be wrong

7 Strings   slide

var a = 'hello ';
var b = 'world!';
var c = a + b;

7.1 Quote Char   notes

  • What is c?
  • Single or double quotes, up to you

8 Lists   slide

var l = [1 ,2, "jim"];

8.1 Indexed   notes

  • 0 indexed
  • Will return 2

9 Objects   slide

  • Similar to Maps or dicts
var titles = {
    info253: 'Web Arch',
    info256: 'Applied NLP'};
/* 'Web Arch' */
var schools = {
    berkeley: {info253: 'Web Arch'},
    stanford: {cs101: 'Intro CS'}};
/* 'Intro CS' */

9.1 Nested   notes

  • May be nested
  • Any datatypes for values
  • Strings for keys

10 Functions   slide

var add = function(a, b) {return a + b;}
var c = add(2, 7)
/* c is now 9 */

var arithmetic = {add: add, subtract: function(a, b) {return a - b;}};

var d = arithmetic.subtract(11, 4);
var e = arithmetic.add(0, 3);

/* d is now 7; e is now 3; */

11 DOM   slide animate

  • Document Object Model
  • document is a Javascript Object
  • You can modify it and reflect the changes

12 Inspecting the DOM   slide two_col

  • You can use childNodes to explore children
  • Will return a list
  • document.childNodes[1]


13 Selecting Elements   slide center


  • getElementById('target')

14 Raw vs jQuery   slide

/* raw */
/* or getElementsByTagName, and getElementsByClassName */

/* jQuery */
$('#to-do-list li.item');

14.1 Format   notes

  • What format does the jQuery selector remind you of?
  • Automatically selects the right raw Javascript to call
  • Trade-off: can be slower, unexpected results

15 Modifying the DOM   slide

  • .innerHTML is the text HTML inside the element
Things to do
  • Homework assignment
  • Grab coffee

15.1 Modify   notes

  • use non-slide version
  • var todoList = document.getElementById('to-do-list');
  • todoList.innerHTML += '<li class="item">Go out for dinner';

16 Apply CSS style   slide

todoList.childNodes[1].style.background = "pink";

/* jquery */
$('#to-do-list .item').css('background', 'green');

17 Synchronous   slide

  • Linear execution, waiting for each function to finish
  • "End" of a program when all statements executed
  • Similar to calling and being on hold

17.1 Never!   notes

  • Javascript on the page is always responding to the user
  • When updating the page, or requesting information from the server, we don't want the whole app to freeze
  • Call, on hold (your call is important to us), talk, ask for info, on hold

18 Synchronous Python   slide

file = open("todo.html")
content = file.readlines()
response = urlopen("http://people.ischool.../todo.html")
html =

18.1 When?   notes

  • When is the content read? after the file is opened
  • When is the http call made? after the file is read
  • When is the response read? after the HTTP server request is made
  • Almost too obvious that I will have to show the alternative as contrast
  • "on hold" while url is being read; nothing else in the program is executing; can't start fetching the URL while waiting for the file to load

19 Asynchronous   slide

  • Respond to events independently
  • Run functions in response to actions
  • "Callbacks" instead of being "on hold"

19.1 Notes   notes

  • Events include: page scroll, clicking, submitting forms, hovering, page finished loading
  • When those events happen, run some function.
  • Callbacks an example of this

20 Callbacks   slide two_col

  • You want to make a request to your Bank
  • Dial their number… on hold (synchronous)
  • Or have them call you back? (asynchronous)


20.1 Trade-offs   notes

  • Wait: don't get confused, context switch
  • Wait: but a lot of wasted time, no on else can talk to you
  • Call back: frees you up
  • Call back: but you have to leave instructions in case they call back and you aren't there

21 Asynchronous Javascript   slide

fs.readFile("todo.html", "utf-8", function(error, data) {console.log(data)})

$.ajax("http://people.ischool.../todo.html", {
  success: function(data) {

21.1 When?   notes

  • When is the content read? after the file is opened
  • DIFFERENCE: When is the request made: Immediately after the readFile is

"kicked-off", does not wait for file to be read

  • When is the response read? after the HTTP server request is made
  • "Callbacks" are used to handle the result, not inline with code

22 Why Async?   slide

  • When do you want your Javascript to "finish"?
  • What should UI do while waiting?
  • What should UI do while animating?

22.1 Answers   notes

  • never! Always interacting
  • don't freeze!
  • still allow other elements to be interacted with

23 Event -> Function   slide

  • onclick will run code on the click event
<a href="#" onclick="alert('hello');">Hello</a>

23.1 onclick   notes

  • Handle click event
  • href of "#" means "don't actually go anywhere"

24 Listen to events   slide

function increment() {
    var el = document.getElementById("ticker");
    el.firstChild.nodeValue += " tick";
var el = document.getElementById("ticker");
el.addEventListener("click", increment);


24.1 Callbacks   notes

  • increment function is called when the click event happens
  • when we specify increment it is the "callback"

25 jQuery   slide

$("#ticker").click(function() {...});

25.1 Inline   notes

  • jQuery hides the specific calls needed
  • functions can be specified inline, you don't need to declare them
  • Although it often helps readability

26 AJAX   slide

  • Asynchronous Javascript And XML*
  • Allows Javascript to make additional requests
  • Why?

26.1 More Info   notes

  • Gather more information, eg. sophisticated auto complete
  • Fill in information in place
  • Infinite scroll
  • *Actually doesn't use XML much anymore: HTML snippets and JSON

27 Infinite Scroll   slide

27.1 AJAX   notes

  • When the scroll event or view events happen, javascript will make an AJAX call to server
  • Server will respond with HTML inside JSON

28 jQuery AJAX   slide

$('#get-homework').click(function(event) {
  $.ajax('/snippet', {
    success: function(data) {

28.1 Callbacks   notes

  • Again, we're using callbacks
  • We can't wait around while the server responds: maybe the user is clicking somewhere else!
  • Instead we specify what to do when the call returns
  • Also callbacks for error, other conditions

29 JSON   slide

  • Pass data as if it were a Javascript Object
  • Common data format in a variety of languages
{firstname: "Jim",
 lastname: "Blomo",
 school: "Berkeley",
 jobs: ["Yelp", "A9"]}

29.1 Javascript Object Notation   notes

  • used in place of XML

30 Summary   slide


  • Javascript used to manipulate DOM, CSS styles
  • Javascript is a full, asynchronous programming language
  • Used to enhance existing, semantic HTML
  • Forms used to take input from users, send data to servers

30.1 Next   notes

  • How do they send data? Upcoming lectures

Author: Jim Blomo

Created: 2014-09-12 Fri 00:07

Emacs 23.4.1 (Org mode 8.0.6)

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