
Table of Contents

1 Midterm   slide

  • Designed for 1.5 hours, 3 hours available
  • May bring 8.5x11 cheat sheet
  • Question types including:
    • Fill in the blank
    • Short sentences
    • Multiple choice
  • Covers all lectures and reading including frontend performance

1.1 Covers   notes

  • I haven't heard of many questions from reading, hopefully this means you

understand all of it. Questions may be pulled from reading that were not directly covered by slides.

2 Browsers   slide

  • What are the essential tasks of a browser?
  • What is the DOM?

2.1 Answers   notes

  • Browser
    • DNS hostname lookup
    • send receive data over TCP/IP via HTTP(S)
    • discover and download dependencies
    • create DOM
    • apply CSS
    • Display
    • executing code
    • Respond to user actions
  • Tree structure used to model HTML

2.2 Homework   slide

  • Purpose of homework was to make sure every one tried different browsers
  • Think of the trade-offs the browsers made
  • Think about what technologies were behind that flexibility and features

3 HTML   slide

  • What are some examples of non-semantic tags?
  • What are the advantages of using tags as opposed to ASCII marks?
  • What is another example of HyperText?
  • What elements are used for 1) the content of the page, 2) the metadata of the page?

3.1 Answers   notes

  • blink, font
  • Easier to compose, can't get confused when you want to use markup character
  • wiki text
  • body, head

3.2 CSS   slide

  • Why separate style and content?
  • What does cascading mean?
  • What are some CSS selectors?
  • When should you use the style HTML attribute?

3.3 Answers   notes

  • You can present content in different ways (like these slides)
  • Styles can "cascade" over one another, applying the result of all stylesheets to the elements
  • .class #id parent descendent
  • When you don't have access to the stylesheet

3.4 Homework   slide

  • Purpose was to use different elements appropriately
  • table used for tabular data, div for layout
  • use CSS instead of font tag to set text styles

4 Forms   slide

  • What does the method attribute in the form specify?
  • What are some input types?
  • Why is Javascript useful with forms?
  • Can the server trust data if there is Javascript validation?

4.1 Answers   notes

  • HTTP method, GET or POST
  • text checkbox password
  • Helpful to provide instant validation
  • No, must re-validate to avoid manual attacks

4.2 Javascript   slide

  • What are two conceptual ways to remove elements from a page?

4.2.1 Answers   notes

  • Set the CSS property (eg. display: hidden) or remove from the DOM

4.3 Homework: Madlibs   slide

  • Purpose was to practice using Javascript
  • Get used to event driven nature (stuff happens when you interact with page)
  • Pracice updating a page after an interaction
  • Steps to change an element (select element, modify some attribute like

text, or css)

5 URIs & HTTP   slide

  • foo://example.com:8042/over/there/index.dtb?type=animal&name=narwhal#nose
  • what are the parts of this URL?
  • How is a filesystem like a DOM?
  • Does HTTP use relative or absolute paths?
  • webservers map _ to resources and return _

5.1 Answers   notes

  • parts:
    domain / authority
  • both represented by trees
  • absolute
  • URLs, representations

5.2 Web Servers   slide

  • What are the OK and NOT FOUND return codes?
  • How do we create a custom NOT FOUND page?
  • Why is HTTP/1.1 connection reuse helpful?

5.3 Answers   notes

  • 200, 404
  • Write HTML content in the response body
  • Setting up connections causes page load latency

5.4 Homework: Telnet   slide

  • purpose was to practice speaking HTTP
  • HTTP request consists of a method, absolute path, version, headers, and body/content
  • Browser helps by "following" redirects, running searches, etc.
PUT /foo HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Connection: close
Server: Werkzeug/0.8.3 Python/2.7.3
Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2012 07:20:41 GMT

5.4.1 Redirects   slide

6 State & Dynamic Webpages   slide

  • Does HTTP have state?
  • How can you tell?
  • What are the disadvantages to server generated pages?
  • Should images on yelp.com homepage be served dynamically or statically?

6.1 Answers   notes

  • No
  • It must resend all context for each request
  • Usually slower than static
  • Static since they do not change

6.2 HTTP Data   slide

  • Where are query arguments in a GET request?
  • Where are query arguements in a POST request?
  • Why is Content-Length needed to send data in a PUT request?
  • What are some example MIME types?

6.2.1 Answers   notes

  • query section of the URL
  • Request body
  • So the server knows how long to wait for data
  • audio/mp4 text/html

6.3 Homework   slide

  • Purpose was to practice sending data to the server, see how the server can respond dynamically
  • Understand how Content-Type affects the interpretation of data

6.4 Cookies   slide

  • Why are cookies used?
  • In normal usage, how is the cookie data set?
  • Cookies are structured as _ - _ pairs
  • How do we prevent important cookies from being spied and intercepted?
  • Without cookies, can we tell if a user is logged in with a typical GET request?
  • Why set cookie expire times in 2037?

6.4.1 Answers   notes

  • Synchronize state between client and server
  • Set-Cookie server response header (ie by the server)
  • key-value
  • HTTPS Only cookie attribute
  • No
  • So we can stay logged in (or at least remembered) after the browser restarts

6.5 REST   slide

  • What is an example of a RESTful system?
  • Is a Noun endpoint / URL an indicator of a non-RESTful, or RESTful system?
  • Is using POST for all commands an indicator of a non-RESTful, or RESTful system?
  • What is the primary trade-off for composable systems like REST?

6.5.1 Answers   notes

  • The Web
  • RESTful because a Noun typically indicates a Resource
  • non-RESTful because it is not using a Uniform Interface (GET, PUT, …)
  • Flexibility for single-purpose performance

7 TCP/IP   slide

  • What does TCP provide on top of IP?
  • Why does does DNS use UDP?
  • What is the difference between packet switching and circuit switching?
  • Can the sender countrol the path of an IP packet to its destination?

7.1 Answers   notes

  • Correctness, reliability with retries or error, ordering of

packets, congestion control

  • Only one packet typically needed for request, one for response
  • No

8 DNS   slide

  • Why does a browser make a DNS request first?
  • Why is it useful to cache a DNS response?
  • What is a TLD?

8.1 Answers   notes

  • It needs to know the IP address to which it will send the HTTP request
  • Caching can improve the performance of a client, and at a network level

reduce traffic and improve performance of all clients on the network

  • Top Level Domain, such as .com .edu

9 Performance   slide

  • What is a 3 way handshake and how does it affect performance?
  • Would a CDN be more helpful for downloading 1 large file or 100 small files?
  • How can you tell a website you want a compressed version of the HTML?

9.1 Answers   notes

  • Needed to establish a TCP/IP connection, it requires 3 round trips so can

be slow depending on server

  • Assuming same bandwidth, the 100 files would be improved more since you'd have to wait for the latency of sending the request and getting the first byte back
  • Accept-Encoding header

Author: Jim Blomo

Created: 2014-10-16 Thu 22:31

Emacs 23.4.1 (Org mode 8.0.6)

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