
Table of Contents

1 Mobile   slide

2 Internet Users   slide


  • China, India, Indonesia, Turkey fastest growing countries
  • Numbers growth driven by emerging markets

2.1 Notes   notes

3 Mobile subscriptions   slide

  • Similar story: emerging markets driving mobile adoption

3.1 Mobile subscripts per capita   slide

  • China near the bottom!
  • So much potential growth in the areas that are already surpassing US in raw numbers

3.1.1 Crazy Part   notes

  • We're seeing overwhelming numbers, and it only tip of the iceburg
  • 1B Smartphone users
  • 5B "Feature" phone users

4 Internet changing lives   slide

  • Find businesses with Yelp
  • Contact friends on Facebook
  • Share pictures with Instagram
  • Read with Kindle
  • Watch with Netflix Streaming
  • Pay with Square
  • Inspiration with Pinterest

5 Mobile Catalyst   slide

  • Bridges divide between real life and digital
  • Captures and delivers content to you
  • Starting to capture context

5.1 Delivery   notes

  • Mobile can be where you are
  • Often is where you are
  • Delivered to you, not your house, not your work

5.2 Context   slide

  • Location
  • Time (now)
  • Movement
  • Mode

5.2.1 Details   notes

  • Mobile can capture where you are
  • Yelp users search for dinner at dinner time; desktop search for dinner any time
  • Waze traffic aggregation
  • Checking work email, calendar, tickets?

6 $$   slide


  • Advertising dollars still lagging

6.1 Lag   notes

  • $14 Billion in revenue, mostly from Yellowpages and Newspapers
  • Where's that money going?
  • Not just mobile ad, but Internet advertising in general

7 Not just new users   slide


  • Mobile internet soon outpacing desktop
  • Happening faster in emerging markets for a variety of reasons

7.1 Reasons   notes

  • phones are cheaper, easier to keep on your person
  • essential for communicating

8 Mobile Yelp:slide:


  • ~50% of unique monthly visitors from mobile
  • Even higher number of searches

8.1 Reasons   notes

  • location and timeliness

9 How to Capitalize   slide

  • "Shoot ahead of the duck"
  • Be bold
  • Experiment

9.1 Mobile   notes

  • Trend is obviously toward mobile, but not majority yet: shoot there
  • Keep a fresh outlook, and go 100% toward what you believe
  • Bigger companies need to "invest": be sure where a technology will end up before the do something about it.
  • Small companies can try things out, ditch what doesn't work (risky!)

10 Bold   slide center

10.1 Example   notes

  • 2:30 Privacy
  • You may not agree with this statement, but you need to be doing stuff bigger companies are uncomfortable with
  • Web Architecture helps you here: no one has to approve your idea (you can fail without a net or ceiling)
  • Another example is iPod: evaluate what buttons you need, get rid of the rest, use technology to support your idea

11 Mobile Software Stack   slide


11.1 Review   notes

  • OS sites on top of hardware
  • Libraries are used by any higher level for common functionality
  • Services similar to libraries, but they "run" on their own, can contact external services
  • UI Widgets are things like buttons, drop downs
  • Apps written to use libraries and services
  • Browsers special apps that essentially can download and run other (web) apps

12 "Native" Applications   slide two_col

  • Written directly with libraries and services
  • Platform specific language: Java, Objective-C
  • Fewer constrains, but less compatibility
  • Obtained through controlled marketplaces


12.1 Trade-offs   notes

  • Directly control UI, make use of phone's specific services
  • OTOH, must directly control UI, make use of the specific services for each phone you want to support
  • Marketplace for downloads

12.2 Native Features   slide

  • Rotation
  • Compass
  • Gyroscope
  • Services (contacts)

13 Web Applications   slide two_col


  • Written for the browser
  • Platform agnostic, no barriers to access
  • Leverages existing technology stacks, but creates opaque dependencies
  • Often slower

13.1 Most   notes

  • Still have to test across devices
  • Constraints are changing, technology like "canvas" allows arbitrary drawings
  • Performance trade-off: must rely on browser's ability to render efficiently, can't update it for your app.

14 Mobile Web is the same   slide

  • Web Browsers
  • HTTP
  • HTML
  • Javascript

14.1 Still the web   notes

  • The mobile web is still the web
  • Uses all the same technologies, in the same ways
  • Mobile browser still a browser, with DOM, JS, etc.

15 Mobile Web is different   slide

  • Browsers developed in world of standards
  • Context available
  • Interfaces different

15.1 Differences   notes

  • Much less variance between CSS, javascript support
  • Means you can push HTML5 to its limits
  • Geolocation
  • Screen size, multitouch, finger "presses"

16 Closing the Gap   slide two_col

  • Native apps in HTML5
  • PhoneGap


16.1 Details   notes

  • Write HTML5, Javascript, framework will render it for you
  • Use javascript to call platform specific abilities

17 Mobile First   slide

  • Philosophy: develop your product for mobile
  • Take advantage of mobile features
  • Contrast: desktop experience, pare down for mobile

17.1 Write the app for a phone   notes

  • If you're a new project/company, mobile is your edge
  • So focus on your edge, build mobile first
  • Alternative is to make your desktop app, then simplify it for mobile

17.2 Example   slide


17.3 Notes   notes

  • Just because you can display the desktop version doesn't mean you should
  • Even if you reflow the content, the usage case of mobile may be so

different you don't want to share HTML

17.4 Benefits   slide

  • Focus
  • Simplicity
  • Beauty

17.4.1 Details   notes

  • For a desktop app, easy to start copying other desktop apps:
    • login screen
    • cross promotion
    • wizards
  • Instead mobile forces you to focus on the most essential elements… and that's all that will fit on the screen!
  • Makes you show how to use it: there's no hover effects for you mouse, just your fat fingers
  • Many products are differentiated based on their user experience. Mobile has a tendency to draw that beauty out, or make it painfully obvious when it is not

17.5 Example   slide


17.6 Notes   notes

  • Focus on searching now and near
  • remove elements you're less likely to do, such as write a review or read

random reviews

17.7 Drawbacks   slide

  • Need some story around desktop
  • New platform to learn
  • Limits experience

17.8 Details   notes

  • Now you have to test all desktop browsers, too?
  • Not many folks experienced with mobile development
  • Are you editing photos? Writing code? Maybe you just can't do that on a small screen (though I'd still try designing for a tablet)

17.9 Advice   slide

  • Make it so easy to use, people start using it by accident


17.9.1 Pinterest   notes

  • Land on the home page, just start scrolling
  • You're using the product! (discovering content)
  • Next step is easy, click one button (repin)
  • Twitter another good example

Author: Jim Blomo

Created: 2014-11-14 Fri 00:09

Emacs 23.4.1 (Org mode 8.2.4)
