
Table of Contents

1 Project: URL shortener   slide

  • Demo: bitly
  • This project is simpler

2 Project Overview   slide

  • Teams of up to 4
  • Part 1: Implement select feature set
  • Part 2: Get creative! Implement product ideas

3 Dates   slide

  • Oct 30th: Part 1 due
  • Nov 13th: Optional Part 2 Proposal
  • Dec 4th: Project Code Due
  • Dec 12th: Class presentation
  • Dec 19th: Technical report due

3.1 Part 1 Details   slide

  1. Update templates/home.html to create a form with 2 text fields: the short path, and the long url.
    1. Use the label tag to label the text fields.
    2. Improve the HTML with at least 4 non-form tag types.
    3. HTML must validate.
    4. Improve the CSS with at least 4 new selectors.
    5. Improve the CSS with at least 4 new properties.
    6. CSS must validate.
    7. Use Javascript to ensure the short path is only letters before the submit button can be clicked.
  2. The form must POST a request to server/shorts to create a new association between the short name and the long url.
  3. server/shorts must return HTML with information about the new association.
  4. Future attempts to GET server/short/<name> must redirect to the long url.
  5. Attempts to GET server/short/<name> where <name> has no association must return 404 NOT FOUND

4 Sharing Code   slide

  • One member create a fork of webarch2014 -> project-webarch
  • Add collaborators (incl instructors) to new fork
  • git clone forked repository to ischool server
  • Turn in your homework via personal, project via fork

4.1 Keep In Mind   notes

  • Suggest using same workflow as homework: checkout -b for a new feature, issue a pull request, get someone on your team to review, merge into master
  • You can only run one server/ at a time – even from different directories

4.2 Extra Credit: Adding bitly Features   slide

  • Automatically choose short path
  • Use the same short path for existing URLs
  • Only applies to Part 1

5   slide

  • Comments and docstrings
  • @app.route associates a path to a representation
  • request.args.get dictionary to access GET query arguments
  • render_template will render the file in templates/
  • make_response is generating an image
  • /wiki is a semi-working redirector to use in HW
  • request.form.get is a dictionary to access POST data
  • db is a dictionary that acts like a database
  • app.logger.debug will print out variables when requests are made
  • flask.redirect will send the correct headers and response code. Just give it a URL
  • compiling errors: restart

5.1 DB   notes

  • DB will be personalized to you. Collaborators will not be able to edit your DB by default.

Author: Jim Blomo

Created: 2014-09-25 Thu 23:56

Emacs 23.4.1 (Org mode 8.0.6)

Validate XHTML 1.0