Table of Contents

1 REST   slide center

Representational State Transfer

2 Good news, everyone!   slide two_col

  • You already know REST
  • Representations
  • State
  • Transfer


2.1 Definitions   notes

concrete version (bytes) of a resource
The status of a representation (bank account)

3 History   slide two_col

  • Roy Fielding co-wrote HTTP specs
  • Defined REST in his 2000 PhD dissertation
  • Defined core set of constraints and why they were important


3.1 Relation to HTTP   notes

  • HTTP/1.0 1996
  • HTTP/1.1 1999
  • ReST defined in thesis 2000
  • REST was designed as the principles of HTTP
  • HTTP came out of and embodies these principles
  • But HTTP is not REST!

4 Constraints   slide

Two separate systems talk to each other through a well defined interface
No context is stored between requests
Clients or intermediaries can cache results, and requests and results can specify caching information
Requests can go through intermediaries (proxies)
Uniform Interface
The protocol between client and server follows the same rules regardless of the specific application
(no term)
Code Transfer (Optional):: Servers may send code to clients to execute

4.1 Describes the Web   notes

  • Browsers, webservers
  • HTTP is stateless
  • We have caching layers, CDNs (in another lecture)
  • Proxies, both front end backend (another lecture)
  • HTTP is uniform if you're getting a page from your portfolio or a CSS file from NYT

4.2 Client-Server   slide two_col

  • Browsers don't care what webserver is providing representations, or what database is holding data
  • Servers don't care which clients are connecting
  • Overhead of transferring data
  • Fewer, simpler failure modes

4.3 Flexibility   notes

  • Theme of many of these constraints
  • We are trading off flexibility for performance

4.4 Stateless   slide two_col

  • Simplifies server design and storage
  • Simplifies request grammar
  • Improves scalability, error recovery
  • Overhead of transferring client state
  • Not convenient for interactivity at protocol level

4.4.1 Grammar   notes

  • Must cover all possible states, eg. in a directory that is deleted

4.5 Cacheable   slide two_col

  • Browsers can store CSS and JavaScript
  • Businesses can cache responses, even from external sites
  • Servers can specify how long things should be cached for
  • Cache invalidation is hard
  • Can't rely on updated resources updating "everywhere"

4.5.1 Consistency is hard anyway   notes

  • Cache invalidation is hard, but alternative is basically not feasible
  • Can't update mobile phones in "real time" when they are disconnected

4.6 Layered   slide two_col

  • Apache webserver is an intermediary to, but the browser doesn't know!
  • Allows "one" hostname to be served by hundreds of '' servers
  • Can also separate caching, or authentication and authorization
  • Can't rely on server specific details - our request could be passed along to anyone
  • Server identification more difficult - "Man in the Middle" attacks

4.6.1 Man in the Middle   notes

  • Where an adversary intercepts your requests and returns back potentially altered results

4.7 Uniform Interface   slide two_col

  • Client and server know how to interact regardless of application hosted
  • Yelp uses same interface as Twitter
  • Wider variety of clients that can handle multiple applications
  • For really unique applications, must jam into old paradigms
  • Difficult to optimize for performance of single application

4.7.1 Clients   notes

  • Imagine using a different application for Yelp and Twitter: one has no back button, other can't select text, etc…
    • Actually don't have to imagine too hard, just use your phone
  • Difficult to think about what a "resource" is for search

4.8 Code on Demand   slide two_col

  • Server sends code to execute on client
  • JavaScript, Java, Flash, VisualBasic
  • Can allow interaction without rebuilding representation
  • Difficult to ensure code safety and isolation
  • Sandboxing limits performance and flexibility

4.8.1 Sandbox   notes

  • An area for a program to run that won't let it do real damage
  • Prevent a virus from reading your personal finances
  • But this means can't allow the program to helpfully read data

5 REST is not HTTP   slide two_col

  • Other protocols are "RESTful"
  • Waka is Roy Fielding's next protocol
  • SPDY lowers latency of HTTP-style requests
  • Must embrace REST constraints


5.1 New Protocols?   notes

  • If you want to make it RESTful, try following Fielding advice
  • Worked pretty well for the Web

6 Web is RESTful   slide

  • Web is build on these ideas
  • Better leverage attained by embracing REST
  • Flexibility, scalability, visibility, simplicity

7 How to Spot RESTfulness   slide

  • Should think through constraints, but here are some heuristics

7.1 Uses HTTP   slide

  • HTTP can be a Uniform Interface
  • vs. FTP not RESTful

7.2 Uses HTTP commands   slide

  • vs. Uses POST for everything

7.3 Uses HTTP return codes   slide

  • 404 200
  • vs. always responses with 200 but has an error message

7.4 URLs point to resources   slide

  • /api/users/jblomo /api/classes/i253
  • vs. URLs point to commands /api/command /api/user /api/getClasses/

7.4.1 /api/user   notes

  • Where /api/user then only takes POST commands with a user=jblomo argument
  • Fielding called this "Identification of resources"

7.5 Representation links   slide

  • A representation links to new possible actions
  • Client only needs to have representation
  • Hypermedia as the engine of application state (HATEOAS)

7.5.1 HATEOAS   notes

  • HTTP contains links to the next action: the business you want to view, or forms with actions for the review you want to submit
  • You don't need to memorize the prefix of businesses, then type in an ID
  • Contains the full URL link

7.6 Example   slide

{"business": "",
 "user": ""
 "review_text": "..."}

7.6.1 Trade-offs   notes

  • Can easily follow links without known a priori structure
  • Only need "entry" URL to start using API/website

7.7 Counter Example   slide

{"business_id": 27,
 "user_id": 5
 "review_text": "..."}"" + business_id)

7.7.1 Trade-offs   notes

  • Less data transfered
  • Got back just a simple ID… what do we do with it?
  • Some APIs require you to read the documentation, then hard code the path and stick the ID you got in the response in
  • Note HATEOAS: Instead should receive the whole URL in this response

7.8 Uses Headers for Metadata   slide

  • Content-Type XML or JSON
  • vs. response has extra metadata in XML

7.8.1 SOAP   notes

  • For example SOAP has a <soap:Header> section
  • Self-descriptive: client can figure out how to parse from the message content, not some external source

8 A place for the RESTless   slide

  • Communicating over many protocols
  • Performance critical
  • Prototypes

Author: Jim Blomo

Created: 2014-09-28 Sun 11:24

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