Table of Contents

1 Search Engine Optimization   slide

2 Search Engines   slide

  • Search helps users find content
  • Producers often want user to find their content
  • Optimize website for discovery by search

2.1 SEO   notes

  • Producers want to structure their websites to allow search engines to easily understand it, think highly of it, and return it in search results

3 Optimization   slide

  • The amount of targeted traffic arriving through "organic" search results

3.1 What are we optimizing?   notes

  • More people on you site
  • Usually targeted (the Saturn auto website may not care much about astronomers much), but first order is just attracting more traffic
  • "Organic" search is that which comes without payment (eg. ads)
  • Once you have more people, need to consider what they're doing next

4 Elements of a Search   slide

Has "intent", inputs query terms
Search Engine
Has index, matches sites to query
Sees options, clicks one

4.1 What steps do we need understand?   notes

  • Intent is something like "I want to buy a camera" "How tall is Michael Jordan?" "What cars does Saturn offer?"
  • Intent translated to something like "best camera" or "Jordan height" "Saturn"
  • Search engines now try to figure out original intent
  • Then match the intent to sites that seem like they address it
  • Does a site address an intent?
    • Use a similar process: analyze the text, figure out intent of site
    • and usefulness

5 Matching User Intent   slide

  • Search engine must figure out intent from queries and page content
  • If words in query neatly match words in content, probably relevant
  • Understand the user, optimize page content

5.1 Ideal Case   notes

  • SEO as its best used actually addresses the concerns of a user in the language they're using
  • Stays focused on what the user wants: don't dilute page contents

6 Web Crawler discovery   slide

  • To be in search index, must be crawled
  • Bots are not people
  • Make pages accessible to bots as well

6.1 pages for Bots   notes

  • Bots can't see layouts: semantic meaning
  • Bots don't run javascript: keep as much static content on the page (this is changing)
  • Bots look at all the data (update meta tags as appropriate)

7 Be linked   slide

  • Incoming links are a vote of confidence
  • Who is linking to you? Why?
  • Who are you linking to?

7.1 Power of links   notes

  • Are leaders in your area linking to you?
  • Medical advice? Links from Mayo Clinic?
  • Danger! Don't go overboard: buy links, trade links
  • Are you linking to spammy sites?

8 Provide data   slide

  • Pithy, relevant content
  • Useful annotations
  • Make full use of HTML and new formats

8.1 Later   notes

  • Remember: we want to have discoverable content, have others recognize it, and show immediate value to user
  • We'll cover the specifics later

9 "Black Hat"   slide

  • Doing manipulative things to increase rank
  • Buying or planting links
  • Spam

9.1 Huge Problem   notes

  • For all of these techniques, possible to go too far, or be sneaky
  • Much of dealing with relevance now is counter adversarial SEO

9.2 "Stuffing"   slide

  • Adding content just for the sake of the bot
  • Every variation of possible queries, no semantic meaning
  • "web architecture, website, web site, web arch, ischool web…"
  • How to avoid: is this useful to a user?

9.3 Details   notes

  • keyword stuffing in meta tags
  • small pages with just these key phrases, linking to mothership
    • BMW
  • JCPenny got caught, too (reading)
  • If it wouldn't make sense to a user, probably a bad idea

10 Summaries   slide

  • Originally, results summarized from meta tags
  • Now, Keyword in Context (KWIC)
  • Google providing deep links to content


10.1 History   notes

  • KWIC coined by Hans Peter Luhn 1960
  • Which is more effective depends on context:
    • web pages may be useful
    • legal briefings maybe not?

11 Microformats & Microdata   slide

  • Semantic information can be used to show better summaries
  • Better summaries can help users decide if a result is relevant
  • Different markup methods

11.1 What works for you?   notes

  • We can use HTML attributes to annotate elements with more semantic information
  • Some search engines, like Google, can use these annotations
  • Advanced technique, mostly driven by industry
  • Another reason to separate presentation

11.2 Microdata   slide

11.3 itemprop   notes

  • aggregate rating
  • Many of these techniques are changing rapidly
  • Important part: Annotation to improve machine understanding, to help human understanding

12 Microdata Usage   slide

  • Wrap concept in tag with itemscope attribute
  • Type concept with itemtype attribute
  • Wrap properties of concept in tags with itemprop attribute

12.1 Types   notes

  • See for item types

12.2 Microformat   slide

  • Convention of using class attribute to annotate
<div class="vcard">
   <img class="photo" src="" />
   <strong class="fn">Bob Smith</strong>
   <span class="title">Senior editor</span> at <span class="org">ACME Reviews</span>
   <span class="adr">
      <span class="street-address">200 Main St</span>
      <span class="locality">Desertville</span>, <span class="region">AZ</span>
      <span class="postal-code">12345</span>

12.3 Open Graph   slide

  • Allow web page to contain graph information
  • Used by Facebook
  • meta tags with og: namespace
  • Open Graph on Yelp

12.4 og:   notes

  • Similar semantic information: location, name, title

13 Preventing Crawling   slide

  • What if you don't want to be indexed?
  • Decrease load on server
  • Pages only useful from another context

13.1 Go Away   notes

  • Spent all this time talking about trying to get noticed, what if you don't want to be?
  • redirect links
  • message displayed after signup
  • directly loading advertisements

13.2 robots.txt   slide

13.3 User-Agent   notes

  • Specify rules for different user agents
  • Only allow a few reputable crawlers:
    • Google, Bing, Yahoo, Internet Archive

13.4 Purely Advisory!   slide

  • Not enforced
  • Client and Server are decoupled, so server can't control the client
  • Crawlers that ignore robots.txt detected and return HTTP error codes
  • Does not make pages private!
  • Clever Searches

13.4.1 No Privacy   notes

  • Bots can ignore it
  • People can look at it, wonder why you're hiding it

13.5 nofollow   slide

  • robots.txt works at the site level
  • At the link tag level, use attribute rel="nofollow"
  • Crawlers may follow them, but won't count them as "endorsement"
  • Useful for user generated content

13.5.1 Don't trust the user   notes

  • Some users are spammy
  • You don't want to be associated with the links they post
  • So tell the crawler not to follow them
  • Also disincentives spam (a little bit)

14 humans.txt   slide

  • "We are people, not machines."
  • Dedicated to all the people that make a site possible
  • Have some fun
  • Google Ventures

15 Some Tips   slide center

Author: Jim Blomo

Created: 2014-11-06 Thu 23:12

Emacs 23.4.1 (Org mode 8.2.4)
