
Table of Contents

1 Search   slide

2 Decentralization   slide

  • Democratic
  • Resilient
  • Innovative
  • But where is everything?

2.1 Trade-offs   notes

  • Put anything online without asking anyone…
  • But how does anyone discover it?

3 Hyperlinks   slide

  • Link from one document to another
  • But where to start?


3.1 What's New?   notes

  • Internet invisioned as moving through hyperlinks
  • A single web page that listed all the new websites
  • "Chess enthusiasts will be interested in the Internet Chess Library"

4 Yahoo!   slide two_col

  • "Jerry's guide to the world wide web"
  • Collection of hierarchical links
  • Added search, though not as core competency


4.1 History   notes

  • Started as Tim Breners-Lee imagined, just a series of hyperlinks
  • But quickly clear that search was helpful
  • But not clear it was a differentiator

4.2 Yahoo Search   slide

  • 2000 - Used Google for search
  • 2002 - Inktomi purchased
  • 2003 - Overture (AltaVista) purchased
  • 2004 - Dropped Google, used in-house engine

4.3 Took time   notes

  • Yahoo, many other didn't see Search as core to product
  • Search as a business was non-obvious, how to make money differentiate?

5 Search as Core Copetency   slide

  • 1993 - JumpStation
  • 1995 - AltaVista, Excite
  • 1996 - Inktomi (HotBot)
  • 1998 - Google, MSN Search (Bing)
  • 2008 - DuckDuckGo
  • 2010 - Blekko
  • 2013 - YaCY

5.1 Jump Back   notes

  • JumpStation university project, but did not get funding
  • Couple years later, many sprung up, many out of universities
  • A lot of activity between 1998-2008, but mostly false starts and acquisitions, dot-com bust
  • DuckDuckGo: "Better search and no tracking"
  • Blekko: "Spam free search"
  • YaCy: p2p search

6 Essential Features   slide

Automated loading and processing of web pages
Bulk association of words with web pages
"Run-time" association of query with web pages

6.1 Details   notes

  • Web crawler, bot, spider: program that downloads web pages, follows links, downloads web.pages, follows links…
  • Indexing: URL -> words => indexer => word -> URLs
  • Searching: query -> most relevant pages
  • Vocab: I may say pages or documents

7 Crawling   slide

  • Conceptually easy: start with "seed" pages, download all their links
    • Download all those links
      • Download all those links

7.1 Seed Pages   slide


7.2 Starting point   notes

  • CERN, mozilla home pages
  • trusted
  • have lots of links

7.3 Download   slide


7.3.1 curl   notes

  • using a program, download HTML of all seed links

7.4 Analyze Links   slide


7.4.1 New pages   notes

  • These are called the "crawling frontier"
  • Pages you know about, but haven't downloaded yet

7.5 Download Frontier   slide


7.5.1 Continue   notes

  • Download, analyze, download
  • Simple, right?

7.6 Completion   slide


7.6.1 Done?   notes

  • But when are you done?

7.7 Complications   slide


7.7.1 Tracking   notes

  • What happens when pages start linking to each other?
  • Start downloading again?
  • How do you prioritize pages you haven't seen yet?

8 Policies   slide

Which pages to download?
When to refresh pages that may have changed?
How to run multiple crawlers?
Don't take down a site with your multiple crawlers

8.1 Practicalities   notes

  • You can't download the internet on your laptop
  • But how many computers do you need
  • How to coordinate
  • How much bandwidth?
  • Storing state of all these pages?
  • Storing content?

9 Spider trap   slide


9.1 Traps   notes

  • Spam pages, or just mischievous people can try to keep spiders around
  • Generate links on a page
  • Create a page for any URL

10 Indexing   slide

  • Query for "Web Architecture 253"
  • Search strategy: check page A, check page B, check page C…
  • Will not scale to check all web pages for this phrase

10.1 Naïve   notes

  • Just check every page for phrase
  • Instead, must do something more clever that scales with # of words
  • Which is greater: number of words people search for, number of internet pages?

10.2 Inverse Index   slide

  • A: "ISchool teach Web tech."
  • B: "Web Architecture 253 is this semester."
  • C: "Internet Architecture is next semester."

10.3 Inverse Index   slide two_col

  • A: "ISchool teaches Web."
  • B: "He teaches Web Architecture 253."
  • C: "Internet Architecture is next."
  • ISchool: A
  • teaches: A B
  • Web: A B
  • He: B
  • Architecture: B C
  • 253: B
  • Internet: C
  • is: C
  • next: C

10.3.1 Inverse   notes

  • Takes pages => words, makes words => pages
  • Now when search we can look up Web (A,B), Architecture (B,C), 253 (B)
  • Return B

10.4 Challenges   slide

  • Tokenizing
  • Scale
  • Locality
  • Context

10.4.1 Details   notes

  • How to break apart Japanese to words?
  • How to have an index that can't fit on one computer?
    • Partition by words? Documents?
  • How to find phrases; words close together on page?
  • Is the word in a title? Body?

11 Search   slide

  • Index can be used to finding matching pages
  • But how to find most relevant?
  • Words in title? meta keywords tag?
  • Links to other sites?

12 PageRank   slide

  • Google's first innovation
  • Trustworthiness of a page varies with inbound links
  • Example of a "static" or "indexing time" feature

12.1 Current Use   notes

  • PageRank type algorithms used to score influence on twitter, or groups of friends on Facebook
  • Ironically not used as much by Google any longer because of abuse
  • "Features" are qualities of a document that indicate its relevance
  • Static feature is independent of query
  • Dynamic or "query time" features depend on query
  • Static features ideal since you don't have to recalculate for new queries

12.2 PageRank   slide two_col



12.2.1 Incoming Links   notes

  • If we scale size with imporance the links coming into some sites make them more important or trustworthy

13 Random Walk   slide center


13.1 Idea   notes

  • Start on a random node
  • Randomly choose a link to follow
  • Randomly decide when you're done
  • What node are you likely to end up on?
  • Turns out it is related to how many and what type inbound edges/links a node has: makes it easier to arrive

14 Calculation   slide

  • Start on a random node
A 0.25
B 0.25
C 0.25
D 0.25

15 Adjacency   slide

  • Randomly choose a link to follow
  A B C D
A 0 0 .3 .5
B .5 0 .3 .5
C 0 .5 0 0
D .5 .5 .3 0

16 Array Multiplication   slide

v = page likelihood
A = Adjacency matrix

A*v = page likelihood after 1 click
A*A*v = page likelihood after 2 click
A*A*A*v = page likelihood after 2 click

16.1 Linear   notes

  • This is why linear algebra matters

17 Calculation   slide center

18 Scale Mattered   slide two_col


  • Eric Brewer, UC Berkeley Professor
  • Started Inktomi, search engine that pioneered operating at scale
  • In order to search websites effectively, must build an effective website
  • Developed CAP theorem

18.1 Brewer   notes

  • Rigorous understanding of how to build websites
  • Now at Google working on virtualized infrastructure

19 Scale Continues to Matter   slide two_col

  • Instrumental in scaling Google's systems
  • Many technologies for scaling follow his examples
  • "Compilers don’t warn Jeff Dean. Jeff Dean warns compilers." -Jeff Dean Facts


19.1 Details   notes

  • "Reading" is watching one of his early videos on Google
  • Scale can determine the ability and effectiveness of processing large amounts of data
  • Processing big data can lead to killer features
  • Like Chuck Norris facts, page has some geeky humor about Jeff Dean

Author: Jim Blomo

Created: 2014-11-06 Thu 23:05

Emacs 23.4.1 (Org mode 8.2.4)
